Ohio Group Launches Second Attempt To Legalize Marijuana

Robert Celt

New Member
Today two Ohio State Senators traveled from Columbus to Cleveland for the main purpose to see what Clevelanders thought on medical marijuana.

On November 3rd, Issue 3 failed 65% to 35%. Many feel it was because it was dealing with both recreational and medical marijuana. Even though Ohioans said no to both then, there are still several groups and politicians who want to see medical marijuana legal in Ohio.

"We have an opportunity that we must take a job that will provide people with a much improved quality of life," said District 25 State Senator Kenny Yuko. "It's a natural product and it's time for the government to step up."

Dozens of people came out to a meeting on the Cleveland State University campus and shared in a discussion that lasted a couple hours. They expressed their opinion for and against medical marijuana.

This was the start of a statewide tour for State senators Kenny Yuko (D-Richmond Heights) and Dave Burke (R-Marysville).

The tour will also make stops in Cincinnati, Toledo, and Columbus to gather more input from Ohioans about medicinal marijuana.

"People say we don't have any deaths attributed to marijuana, I don't think we know the impact of 80 or 90% THC levels," said one opponent of legalization. "We don't have an issue with those who have seizures and cancer and debilitating effects, we have an issue with the rest of it that finds its way into the marketplace and the black market and the illegal trade."

For Kristina Frate, it's about helping her daughter.

"Regular pharmaceuticals don't do the trick, they are actually making it worse," Frate said. "There are so many different side effects that come from the medicine. Paige (daughter) was on one earlier this year that caused pancreatitis and we potentially could've lost her. She's taking medicines that are not FDA approved for her age group. We are asking for access to the legal cannabis. It's not a medicine that's going to cause her to get high, she is not going to smoke it, it's a oil that's taken through a syringe like the rest of the medicines."

With plenty of arguments for and against the issue, state senator Kenny Yuko says he has Multiple Sclerosis and says the marijuana is very helpful for that condition.

As for The tour, they will continue gathering input with stops in Cincinnati, Toledo, and Columbus.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Ohio Group Launches Second Attempt To Legalize Marijuana
Author: Adewale Aliyu
Photo Credit: Thinkstock
Website: WKYC
Sounds like this article got off track. Anyway, the bottom line is that Ohio residents voted a large "NO" because the legislation did not recognize the very citizens who were voting on it. The Ohio platform is one of a corporate, conglomerate, cartel of a government-limited "offering" of their choices for cannabis sources. THAT'S NOT WHAT THE VOTERS WANT --- and that is / was common knowledge going into this vote. No surprise.

I don't believe a vote will pass UNTIL each individual adult in Ohio has the freedom of choice to LEGALLY cultivate their own medicine. Until then, it's a big NO to the scammers behind this original legislation.

I'm suffering in New York State and I follow what happens around the States, with New York State being smothered by King Cuomo. He'll be gone one of these days and maybe, just maybe we'll have someone in that seat that understands the issue and does not control with a tyrannical iron fist. Hell, even his own staff absolutely HATES him. I get to hear the crap that happens in Albany once a week from an "acquaintance" that keeps me informed of how people see him ---- and I'll tell ya something ----- just about EVERYONE that has to deal with him cannot wait until he's gone.

Then and only then will we in NYS have a fleeting chance at getting this freedom of choice issue resolved.

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