Ohio: Things To Know About Issue 3 For Marijuana Legalization On Tuesday's Ballot

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
Ohioans could buy marijuana, pot-infused candies and other related products from potentially 1,100-plus retail stores around the state if voters approve a legalization measure on Tuesday's ballots.

The proposed constitutional amendment, known as Issue 3, would let adults 21 and older purchase marijuana and grow up to four plants at home. The initiative lays out a regulatory scheme, while creating a network of 10 authorized growing facilities and establishing nonprofit medical marijuana dispensaries.

Here are some things to know about how retail stores would be work under the measure.

Number Of Stores Based On Ohio's Population

The proposal would allow state regulators to license more than 1,150 retail marijuana stores. That's because the amendment ties the number of stores to the latest population estimates from the U.S. Census. Stores statewide could not exceed a ratio of 1 per 10,000 residents. A new Marijuana Control Commission would oversee the industry and set rules for retailers. Owners would pay an annual license fee of $10,000.

Regulations Of Pot-Selling Shops Similar To Liquor Stores

Like today's liquor stores, marijuana retail shops must be licensed to sell to those age 21 and older. Selling to those under age could lead to a jail sentence. No one under age 21 could work at or enter the stores. The shops would have to obtain local precinct voter approval before being licensed to open, similar to local liquor option elections.

Items On Shelves Restricted

If you got the munchies, you'd be out of luck: Snacks wouldn't be sold alongside marijuana products. Retailers could only sell marijuana, marijuana-infused products, accessories or other related items. Shoppers could not consume any marijuana or pot-infused products they buy and open there. Retailers could only purchase their pot products from licensed facilities in state, and they could not sell the items at a price less than the store paid for them.

Limits To Pot Shops' Locations

Retail stores could not be located within 1,000 feet of a house of worship, public library, public or chartered elementary or secondary school, state-licensed day-care center, or public playground. But after a certain date, the shops could not be forced to relocate if a new public library, school or church opens within that same distance of a shop.

No Restrictions On The Number Of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

People with debilitating medical conditions could get medical marijuana at not-for-profit dispensaries if they have a certification from their doctor. Patients don't have to be 21. Those younger than 18 would need a parent's permission. The proposal sets no cap on the number of dispensaries in the state.

Recreational Use In Other States

Ohio could become the fifth state to legalize recreational marijuana after Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska.

Currently, 280 medical marijuana dispensaries in Oregon have told the state they will sell to recreational customers. Washington has 210 licensed retailers, while Colorado had at least 385 licensed retail marijuana shops as of Oct. 1. Alaska could begin retail sales next year.


News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Things To Know About Issue 3 For Marijuana Legalization On Tuesday's Ballot
Author: The Associated Press
Photo Credit: CBS News
Website: Vindy News
One other thing Ohio voters should know. In order for Issue 3 to pass, Issue 2 must be defeated. Every pro-Issue 3 commercial running in the state asks for voters to strike down Issue 2 when voting FOR Issue 3. Why, you ask? Because Issue 2, also known as the "anti-monopoly amendment", would prohibit any petitioner from using the Ohio Constitution to grant a monopoly, oligopoly, or cartel for their exclusive financial benefit or to establish a preferential tax status. When asked whether Issue 3 was an attempt at a monopoly, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted replied with this quote:

"Webster's Dictionary defines the word monopoly in a way that seamlessly matches what Issue 3 would do. News publications throughout Ohio have rightly come to the conclusion that Issue 3 would allow a small group of wealthy investors to buy a place in the Ohio Constitution and reserve themselves exclusive rights as the only suppliers of marijuana in Ohio. The backers of state Issue 3 could have easily prevented Ohioans from calling their plan a marijuana monopoly by choosing to not write their plan as a marijuana monopoly."
See consortium in said same dictionary for the true meaning of what Responsible Ohio really is.
They are a group of investors each growing and owning Seperate Facilities.
If the ballot proposal passes there will be 10 separate companies not just one called Responsible Ohio.
that is ridiculous, and untrue.
Those 10 companies shall have Sole commercial production rights for 4 years only.
After the four-year period It is up for review whether other people could apply for commercial growing licenses if the demand is not met by the Original 10.
Let's be fair and honest.
Those are the facts that were presented to me by the ballot when I went and voted last week during Early voting.
It is Election Day here in Ohio.
Please help end police brutality and civil rights abuses against our friendy helpful community of pot smokers.
We have been Demonized and thrown in cages for far too long.
You will still be able to grow your freaking plants people.
You did it while it was totally illegal, now you will be able to do it with no fear of a raid or arrest or incarceration.
Get out and vote today.
Today is Our chance to change the game..
Flip the cards on the Government and LEO.
Do not be misled by the No on 3 people.
They want you to be put in a cage!
Please exercise one of your last remaining constitutional rights.
Let's tell those people that We NoLonger Wish To Be Labled as a Criminal..

Please Vote yes.
I am tired of hiding who and what I am.
Set yourself free from the fear of illegality, arrest and jail time.

Is it perfect? Far from it, but it's our chance. Now, not some pie in the sky better proposal next election.
They failed to make the ballot last election.
What makes you think they will succeed where they failed before?
May Jah put pressure on your mind today to free the captives.
Get out and Vote.
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