Omfg What Have We Done!


New Member
setting:my friends house
time:early afternoon

we had just finished a blunt i had just rowled about 10 minutes earlyer when i felt a sudden high.i sat at the table and put my half O on the table. because of my highness i couldnt rowl a joint just right and i spent 30 minutes rowlings about 6 or 7 joints.i touched my tounge against the final J's paper to seal it when a felt somthing being smashed on my head.i turned and saw my friend holding a peice of cake laughing his ass off.i ran over and grabed a box of dounuts on the counter."HELL NO!" we both screamed as we proceeded to grab hand fulls of are baked goods.we were running around his kitchen thinking we were really fighting for about 45 minutes when i remembered the joints.i grabed them and dashed upstairs.his mom was supposed to be home soon so we sneeked onto the sun room's roof to toak up.Joint 1..joint 2...jiotn 3...jntoi fur...jnt iv... oint ?......we were very very very messed up when we heared a door being closed."FUCK".we crept down stairs trying to sober up (but how?) when we saw what we did.chocolate cake smeared on the wall.dounuts crushed under are shoes.and the cherry upon the cake......i forgot a joint on the table.
"OMFG WHAT HAVE WE DONE!?"were the first words out my freinds mouth.LMFAO...i geuss just anouther story of fucking up,gettn high,and getting cought Big Blunt well keep toak'n
I feel for you man, I've smoked that much and then had to do shit, like seeing parents (or in my case having 10 bowls of chron and then have to go to a family dinner).
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