Only Thing New Is History We Don't Know


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To the editor:

Hemp/cannabis/marijuana was outlawed in 1937 because it threatened the corporate interests of William Randolph Hearst and DuPont. They had to get rid of the competition.

Hearst's yellow journalism newspaper chain wrote scathing stories about "marijuana" - a word he made up - because he knew no one would believe them about hemp. George Washington even grew hemp.

The decorticator, a state of the art hemp harvester, led Popular Mechanics to call hemp the New Billion Dollar Crop. ( Because of printing and bindery lead time required for publication, this February 1938 article was actually prepared in the spring of 1937, when cannabis hemp was still legal to grow and was an incredibly fast-growing industry. ) Newsprint could now be produced far more cheaply than any other method, and one acre of hemp could produce as much newsprint as four acres of trees.

Hearst owned vast timber acreage and competition from the hemp industry might have driven his paper manufacturing out of business. He stood to lose millions of dollars.

DuPont stood to lose on two fronts. DuPont owned the patent for converting wood pulp into newsprint and supplied Hearst with the necessary chemicals. Secondly, in the 1930s DuPont was gearing up to introduce nylon and other man-made fibers, along with synthetic petrochemical oils, which they hoped would replace hemp see oil used in paints and other products. The decorticator meant that hemp fibers could be manufactured as fine as any man-made fibers. DuPont would lose untold millions of invested dollars, plus an estimated 80 percent of all future business, unless hemp was outlawed.

DuPont's financial backer was Mellon Bank, whose chairman was Andrew Mellon. The Treasury Department, which was in charge of drug taxes ( i.e., prohibition ), was run by Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, chairman of Mellon Bank. Harry Anslinger, commissioners of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, which answered to the Treasury Department, was married to Andrew Mellon's niece. Thus they had the power and the means.

Anslinger's lies about hemp were repeated endlessly in Hearst's newspapers. Stories about marijuana, the killer weed from Mexico, instilled fear and completely misled the public that the weed was, in fact, just good old hemp.

Cannabis hemp wasn't prohibited because it was dangerous. Indeed, for thousands of years it was the world's largest agricultural crop used in thousands of products and enterprises, producing the majority of fiber, fabric, lighting oil, paper, incense, medicine and food.

No, cannabis hemp was prohibited to protect the Hearst and DuPont corporations from devastating competition, as well as appealing to the overt racism stirred up by Hearst's yellow journalism.

Neil Nissenbaum


Newshawk: Happykid - 420 Magazine
Author: Neil Nissenbaum
Source: Jacksonville Daily News (NC)
Copyright: 2006 Jacksonville Daily News
Website: Jacksonville Daily News : Homepage
yes;the powers that b manipulated government policy in 1937;and they continue 2 practice their evils 2 this day;canada is looking better every day:tommy:
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