Outdoor DJ Short Leaves Drooping


Active Member
Hello all - I have an otherwise very healthy outdoor 1.5m DJ Short Blueberry plant with some top leaves drooping / curling around. Any suggestions what might be causing it? I’ll try to post a pic.


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My guess is heat or wind or a combination of both.

But, a plant that size will shed leaves along the way so overall the plants look healthy.

How much water are they getting?

I have found a sufficiently watered plant doesn't mind the heat.

Hi - this is a possibility. We have had a few fairly intense storms this summer and I could certainly see this happening. However, one would expect the plant to recover as do others - maybe canna or this variety is an exception. I will take off the affected leaves to see. Perhaps if more wilt in the abscence of a weather event then maybe something else is happening. This is the only one that was affected but it is also unique in its structure and growth. Thanks
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