Pa. MMJ Supporters Hold 18 Minute Sit-In Outside State House Leaders' Offices

Robert Celt

New Member
Several dozen supporters of a bill to permit use of certain cannabis-based products for medicinal purposes in Pennsylvania ramped up the pressure on hesitant state House leaders Monday.

The group of parent, patients and other caregivers - which has flooded the Capitol in support of their cause regularly over the past several years - staged an impromptu sit-in on the House side of the Rotunda Monday afternoon.

The point, said rally spokeswoman Latrisha Bentch, was to show House leaders in a very tangible way their patience is wearing thin as the 2015-16 legislative session enters its second half.

The group took seats on the Capitol's Mercer tile floor shortly before 3 p.m., all but blocking session day traffic and a few perplexed staffers, for 18 minutes: Two minutes for each month since the Senate sent the leading medicinal marijuana bill to the House with a 40-7 vote.

"I feel like our kindness has been mistaken for weakness, and we don't have to be kind to them (lawmakers). We don't," Bentch said as the rally was breaking up. "We can be complete pricks and that's uncomfortable for us to do but if we have to do it we will.

'We want action on that bill, and we want it now."

The advocates may get their wish before too many more protests.

House Majority Leader David Reed, R-Indiana County, told reporters last week he intends to open a floor debate on Senate Bill 3 when the House returns to session the week of March 14.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Pa. MMJ Supporters Hold 18 Minute Sit-In Outside State House Leaders' Offices
Author: Charles Thompson
Contact: PennLive
Photo Credit: Liam Migdail-Smith
Website: PennLive
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