Paranoia engage: "Is there any risk that a DEA chopper can 'see' one 600 watt bulb"


New Member
I may just be overthinking this, but im setting up a 600 watter in a cool tube, inside a stand up armoir/cabinet with plenty of ventilation (250cfm blower). I live in a very very populated metropolitan city, near a university even, and was having some creeping thoughts of exactly how gay our government can be. Whats the risk of a one light system from the eyes in the skies?

thanks guys,
Re: Paranoia engage: "Is there any risk that a DEA chopper can 'see' one 600 watt bul

Dear mods, i apologize if this is a re-post or misplaced post. just lookin for some answers on a highly trusted site!
Re: Paranoia engage: "Is there any risk that a DEA chopper can 'see' one 600 watt bul

I'm a newbie so take what I say with a grain of salt.

From my understanding, thermal imaging doesn't actually "see" into your house. It can't see through walls etc. Which means if you have good ventilation and insulation in the walls of your house I would say no.

Anyway even if they could see a hot spot (and I honestly doubt that's even a possibility) they couldn't do anything. Think of all the things in your house that get hot. Hot water heater, fridge, etc. I for one have a few snakes that have lamps that probably get just as hot as that one bulb and have never had any problems with the DEA ;)

Smoke a bowl and relax. You're in for a long ride and that line of thinking will probably land you in an institution if you keep it up for the next four months!
Re: Paranoia engage: "Is there any risk that a DEA chopper can 'see' one 600 watt bul

I work in the aviation industry and will tell you from direct knowledge. Yes a FLIR (far looking infer-red) can see any heat signature through nearly any object. However, there are a few things you have to consider. First the DEA is not worried about someone growing 1 or 10 or even 50 plants. Those are almost always local charges and not worth their time. Secondly, using FLIR in a residential area with the intent of finding a grow house is illegal and has been held up in court a number of times. Yes there are a couple of cases where FLIR was used and they said it was okay, but that was due to an investigation on people that was stealing power from a neighbor and they had a warrant to do so. Third, the heat signatures can be very hard to "read" and tell exactly what they are. The signature will be there but it could be a TV, oven, microwave, or any other number of square/rectangular object. As long as there is no reason for them to be looking at you directly (ie you are a known drug dealer and have that type of activity in your dwelling) then they won't be doing it.
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