Passed the home test from Walgreens, will I be fine on Tuesday?


New Member
Hey, I have a piss test coming up on Tuesday. I just bought a home test specifically designed to detect THC from my local Walgreens but I'm still paranoid about the lab test. I've been running again lately plus drinking tons of water, cranberry juice, and green tea. I'm pretty skinny and have a fast metabolism (I can eat a lot quickly).

What are my chances of passing the piss test at the lab? Thanks so much.
Did you test yourself first thing in the morning? If you test clean first thing then you should be fine. If you tested ok during the day then you will probably still be ok with just dilution the morning of the test.
Quit exercising 3 days before the test
Drink 36 ounces of gatorade the morning of the test
Pee 3 or times
Use your midstream urine for the collection cup
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