Plants got frosted on, 34 degrees, what to do


New Member
stupid weather called for 46 and it was 34 this morning, none of them are near ready to harvest, cant dig them, too big, how much frost can they take? help! dont know the strain, not all the same anyway. 4 are one stem, big tall fat plants with big leaves, and one is a sprawling girl I have been bending over all summer, but shes 4' tall with a trunk the size of my arm and lots of very small leaves.
cant believe theres nothing (I can find anyway) on what to do after girls get frosted. the sun just hit them, poor girls!! poor me!!

thanks so much, peace and hugs
Re: plants got frosted on, 34 degrees, what to do??

You can try putting a couple of large plastic bags with some holes for ventilation over the plants before the dark hours. Lowest temp are reached during the night. If it was 34 this morning, it's lower during the night which may have caused the frost. Good luck to you!
Thanks everyone for the good ideas.Unfortunatly, they are supposed to be weeds if my neighbors look, so cant cover them without causing potential odd looks...they seem to be doing OK, one is so tall, one 3' long bud! 4 are not as tall or fat, but look good. and another one is a huge round bush (Ileaned her over right at the beginning and kept trying to keep her low, but she didnt stay that way, just sprawled all over!) with so many little buds all over it, take alot to cover her! they arent very white, do look like they are hugging themselves, I appologise to them for the cold, and its in the low 40's at night wth not 12 hrs of daylight, maybe 10. no oneis ready yet, hope it doesnt frost agian soon, will keep you advised. thanks again!:peace:
stupid weather called for 46 and it was 34 this morning, none of them are near ready to harvest, cant dig them, too big, how much frost can they take? help! dont know the strain, not all the same anyway. 4 are one stem, big tall fat plants with big leaves, and one is a sprawling girl I have been bending over all summer, but shes 4' tall with a trunk the size of my arm and lots of very small leaves.
cant believe theres nothing (I can find anyway) on what to do after girls get frosted. the sun just hit them, poor girls!! poor me!!

thanks so much, peace and hugs

They will be fine.. I dont worry about mine until it gets down to about 29 degrees. I actually prefer my plants to go through the first freeze and first snow storm before I take mine down. Of course that is in a perfect world. It will make your plants really push the sugars/tricombs and you should get heavier purples in your plants. Last year I didnt take mine down until november and they went through several freezes by then. :goodluck: n :peacetwo:
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