Please help im not sure what the problem is!


New Member
hey guys i would be very greatful if someone could tell me just what the problem is with my plants leaves!!!!
Re: please help im not shore what the problem is!!!!

I believe it is a fungus like rust mould. You will notice all the leaves near will also begin to show it..... i usually just trim off infected leaves but there is likely a spray for when it is bad. Just my opinion, not the gospel.

Re: please help im not shore what the problem is!

hey stilletto how you doing!!!! thanks for replying to my message :eek:) i had spent a few days now looking at a lot of deficiency charts and i couldn't find anything that matched my plants deficiencies, i hardly know anything about rust spots or rust moulds but after looking on the internet and some pictures on rust fungus i started to wonder whether or not my plants were suffering with a rust fungus!! i know from reading on the net that rust fungus comes into your grow room from outside as a tiny spour then takes a hold once it lands on your plants leaves, could you please tell me if theres anything else i should know about rust moulds like whether or not the temps and rh of your room can help make it spread like powdery meldew does!! i read somewhere that powdery meldew thrives in a temp of 60f to 70f and a rh above 50 and i was wondering if the same aplies to rust fungus!! thank you for your time and help :eek:)
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