Pot Doesn't Impair Everyone

These drug-driving laws are nothing more than a ploy to allow cops to profile pot users — meaning the young, the poor, people of color, or people with non-regulation hairstyles. Canadians smoke more pot than any other country, we smoke the most potent pot in the world, we admit to toking and driving more than any other country, our population is constantly growing, and the number of cars on the road increases every year. Yet the number of crashes continues to decline.

This would suggest, as most science on the subject also says, that pot makes people drive slower and more cautiously. While pot can impair some people, it doesn't impair everyone and doesn't impair every time. But since even trace amounts or an exposure to second hand pot smoke can show up months after the last puff, getting caught is would be like getting busted for drunk driving five days after you had one beer.

Meanwhile, people who are impaired on legal drugs, old age, fatigue, inexperience, and plain old stupidity, will still be "legal".

Face it; police cannot discuss marijuana without at best, exaggerating, and at worst, outright lying. This is all just a lot of anti-pot hype designed to give police more powers of coercion and intrusion. And while the officers are busy filling the holding tanks and court rooms with pot heads, actual drunk drivers are slipping past.

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Miramichi Leader
Author: Russell Barth
Contact: Miramichi Leader
Copyright: 2009 CanadaEast Interactive, Brunswick News Inc.
Website: Pot Doesn't Impair Everyone
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