Pot icon Tommy Chong Makes Movie Of His Imprisonment

tommy chong is the shit. his drawl alone nearly makes you stoned.

chong rocks.
Tommy Chong was at a little gathering I attended last year. There was some discussion about the Bush family owning security companies. I don't know if that means the actual prisons, the guards, or what. If true then half of us could end up in prison and the other half could be the guards and the Bush family would own the Great American Prison. Does anyone know about this? Also discussed: guards will ignore prisoners or instigate trouble so there will be a lockdown. The guards get paid double for lockdown.
^wowow. you actually met him? holy shit. you are one lucky lady. i wish he'd come over to australia and do some pro-legalisation talks or something. that would be a great idea.

and the bush family issue is a scary thought. hmmmm. i gess perfection in any system is something thats possibly impossible to attain.
Tommy Chong can pinch my bag anytime
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