Pot on fox news


New Member
today theoldguy told me to turn on foxnews, and i did and there was a debate on whether or not marijuana should be legalized. theoldguy put it best saying "4/5 of the people were for pot, and the other guy kept contradicting himself". thanks for tellin me it was on james. did anyone else see it? what was that magazine they were talking about on it?
No prob man. It was cool cuz they kept making jokes about it. One of them said "One major drawback might be all the post-legalization frivelous lawsuits over extreme cases of the munchies"

The most noted argument against weed was that it leads to abuse and addiction, which are both proposterous agruments, and were quickly dismissed by the other people.

The most noted poinst FOR weed were exactly what I have been saying for the past couple months or so: Save money by decreasing the Drug War funds, save money by putting less people in jail, take the money away from the gangs, and let the government tax it.

I sure wish I were on the show...

The also promoted Forbes magazine for making the issue more public. If you want to get a better idea of what they talked about on the show, buy the latest article of Forbes. I just went to B&N but they don't have it yet. I'm gonna pick up a copy when they do.

do you know if marijuana is the basis of that (this month/week/whatever's) magazine? or is it like a half page column? or a page article? or just the main story of the magazine? sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but im probably going to pick this magazine up so i was just wounderin. thanks
knifes, the entire cover is a giant weed leaf

and its not even a pot-related magazine! lol

i went to that site that james (theoldguy) posted, i was so happy to see what it said on the official site and how pro-marijuana it was. it said "Marijuana is big business and in big demand. Imagine how much money the government would make if pot was made legal"
I checked the link above , and thought it was sort of ironic that the Marijuana story was right under a banner ad for theantidrug.com
TheOldGuy said:
No prob man. It was cool cuz they kept making jokes about it. One of them said "One major drawback might be all the post-legalization frivelous lawsuits over extreme cases of the munchies"

The most noted argument against weed was that it leads to abuse and addiction, which are both proposterous agruments, and were quickly dismissed by the other people.

The most noted poinst FOR weed were exactly what I have been saying for the past couple months or so: Save money by decreasing the Drug War funds, save money by putting less people in jail, take the money away from the gangs, and let the government tax it.

I sure wish I were on the show...

The also promoted Forbes magazine for making the issue more public. If you want to get a better idea of what they talked about on the show, buy the latest article of Forbes. I just went to B&N but they don't have it yet. I'm gonna pick up a copy when they do.

?? Why tax the gangsters?

Gangsters make the world go round..

If it was legal i hope the government dont make shit out of it. they dont deserver it, no man can run my life. unfortunatly that is the case
MeeKLo, I understand your frusteration towards the government, but the truth is that they do a lot for us. By taxing weed, they could spend money towards medical care and research, education, and fighting REAL crimes. Besides, we have to argue a case in favor of the government in order for them to listen. If they can't benefit from legalization, they won't even consider it.
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