Preparing for first grow


New Member
Hey everyone long time lurker just created account not to long ago. But im getting ready for my first grow. So I can stop wasting so much cash on bud and still smoke.

Dont feel like reading summarized questions i have:
1. Will 8 inch booster fan be enough to start with dimmable 1000 watt in 4.5x2.5x6.5 pvc panda film grow tent.
2. Should I vent room with xl cool tube with end capped off pulling air out and second fan pulling/pushing air in or just sucking air from grow tent through cool tube? Room grow tent will be in should be about 60f to 70f.
3.How many plants for 1000w 4.5x2.5x6.5? Use question #4 for decesion also.
4. Dwc tote or individual bubbler buckets?
5. Will i be fine without carbon filter during veg, tapped out on cash to diy carbon filter but could build it within a couple weeks.

I've already bought my seeds 5 pack of white widow victory seeds(highest thc i saw on seed bank), and 5 pack of northern lights 00 seeds(highest cbd), also got 3 blueberry seeds for free all. All seeds are feminized so hopefully it goes right. I know i probably wont get that strong but seems like good genetics or good test batch they used going to find out. Haven't received yet just shipped friday 2/24.
Still on the fence as far as equipment. Im going to have to do a pvc panda film grow tent for cost and to maximize the area im growing in laundry room of my apartment. Should going be about 4.5ft or 5ft long, 2.5 feet wide so i can go high and not hit this thing on the water heater, and 6.5 feet high maybe 7 if i can figure out a way to make it easily shrink some to get out the laundry door just in case i need to move out of there so the maintenance guys can access laundry room.
For light thinking about going with ipower dimmable 1000 watt with cooltube xl. Haven't ordered yet up for opinions has to be under 180 with shipping. I want to go with an 1000 watt 1.its only like 10 bucks more then their 600 watt 2. I can dim it down if its too hot. Really not worried about durabilty of it just need it to make it through first grow.
To cool it thinking about starting with 8 inch inline booster fan. Its says it should flow as much as a 6 inch fan just need it to start then going with normal 8 inch inline fan when i build carbon filter. Should i cap the end of the cool tube off and just pull air from it and run another fan either pulling or pushing air into tent or just run fan pulling air from cool tube with end open.Also going to try and keep my apartment at about 65F or 60F. Seems laundry room stays the same temp as my apartment but i can leave the door open while im home but has to be closed and locked while I'm gone. I cant pull air in from outside because where im at its about to start getting about 85+ outside everyday or could I??
To grow in going with 3-18 gallon dwc tote with top feed or individual 5 gallon bubbler buckets. How many plants should i do? 1 plant of each strain in each tote or try like a sog possibly 2 or 3 inch each tote. Or like 6 buckets? Trying to pull at least 1lb every couple months. After this gets started going to get a veg tent going also.
Nutes still undecided looking for suggestions.
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