Problem With Being Automatically Signed Out

High Janx,

Please describe the problem more specifically for us.So after you sign in you get the welcome screen - correct?

Then what happens? Do you get an error message?

Would you write out the error message for us, or get a screen capture (print screen button) and post it?
When I load the main forum page, say from a reply link in an email. I sign in and get the standard, "Thank you for logging in Janx" page. When I'm redirected, I'm not signed in. I have to then start flipping through/refreshing pages. Eventually the sign in will "catch?" and let me start accessing my CP or post to the page I originally came to. But once I have there's still no way to clear any of my messages in User CP. I thought I had a virus or something....any clue? It's been this way for about 3-4 days so far. Thank you for responding so fast. I'm really impressed with the professionalism shown through the staff here. In all things, I thank you. This is a phenomenal resource to empower new thinkers/gardeners.

Are you using a proxy?

I've had issues like this with one IP anonymizing program. When I turned it off; connected and refreshed like it should
This is my work pc. As we work for ourselves, that means I have a comp that is very fast, very clean, and several different programs protect my customer files, breeding documents (endangered species), and many other things. This is an exclusive problem with your site. Even now, I have PM's in my User CP that cannot be deleted, I still must refresh the page several times to get my sign in to "catch" and let me post/check my subscriptions. Once I do, I cannot remove them. There have been no further problems with my system, on or off the internet. Oh...I do not use a proxy of any sort.
I'm trying to help by going through the standard checklist.

Which browser are you using, and have you tried a second one.

personally, I use IE intentionally because it's the worst ;) It lets me see all the wierd things that other browers correct for automatically.

IE - can you try safari or any other second type and see if it behaves the same way.
In your browser right below the area where you type the URL, there's the series of menus; file, edit, view, favorite, tools, help.

Click help and typically the last option it should say "About _______ _______"

Click that and it will tell you the browser and version.

Just trying to help Bro; I'm trying to isolate whether it's a browser specific issue
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