Question about cloning


Well-Known Member
Alright I just took my first clones ever and I just want to know how do you tell when your clones have failed to root? I just want to prepare for that possibility and it's kinda of obvious when they succeed. I mean are there any clear signs I just don't want to accidentally throw them out after waiting and come to find out I threw em out prematurely. What's the point of no return?
They should root with in 2 weeks, Sometimes a tiny bit more. If they look dead or fall over before that. They are probably dead. I've been told that if they aren't still standing up the next day to just scrap them and try again.

What do you have them in? If you use a system that you can see them rooting, Then it's pretty easy to tell. The roots start off like little white nubs on the stem.
I've had them stay drooped over for days then be standing up the next morning. I cut the fingers halfway back on most leaves and take off any big ones to reduce water needs. If the stem goes all mushy at the soil line they have damping off/stem rot and are dead or as good as dead.

It can definitely take a couple weeks to see roots out the drain holes if it's cool like the closet where I root mine. Rarely lose one.

Post 420! :party::ganjamon:


I have them in jiffy peat pellets. I used rooting powder. They are under a humidity dome. I clipped the fan leaves a bit as I've seen done in guides for cloning.
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