Outdoor Autos In The Great White North Close To 56

This looks amazing and your property, omg.

The girls from last year although short as you mentioned, were so fuzzy and chunky!

Excited to hear both here and on my journal, that you are back to growing and doing indoor growing as well!

I don't have much, if any, expertise outdoors but seeing these pics with the raised beds and all just make me itch for the time I will be able to grow outdoors.

I had remembered Rob mentioning you coming back and it's seasoned growers like you that made sure I stuck around here when I came on. It's only right that I make sure you do the same now!

Happy to have you and thanks for the tag.

Watching.....look forward to conversation-I'm a grower and a yapper-lucky you lol

@West Hippie @StoneOtter @Rexer @FelipeBlu @Cola Monster @Bode @BooWho2 @HappyHazmat88 @Melville Hobbes

Just some names to get going here...all wonderful growers, some older some more new, some outdoor some indoor....
Just a few pics from Fri. Couple of days and they'll be finished.





I forgot about this thread so I'll finish it off.

No more outdoor growing for me. A hemp farm about 5 miles north of me knocked up the Girls of Summer 2022 and the farm is twice the size this last summer. Good news is I talked to one of the farmers and they don't care if I want to go in after they've chopped it all down and take all the tops I want. Probably only 6% or so CBD but it's free so why the hell not. I have about 3/4 of a garbage bag full, 8lbs or so and can get a nice bowl of oil out of that. I'll send some to a lab in Vancouver for potency testing. I'll have a couple other batches of oil that will need testing as well.

I got two shopping bags like this a couple days apart. The 2nd bag I had good pruners and packed them in a lot tighter. These guys only grow it for the fibre so don't care about the bud. Too bad as they could make a lot more money selling de-hulled hemp seed for food and sent the bud off to legal extractors to harvest the CBD. Their loss, my gain. :)


I was wondering why the girls weren't doing as well as the ones from the year before and didn't figure it out until I started trimming up the first one and found it half full of seeds. No great loss as I didn't like having to brush out all the dead bugs stuck on buds and tucked away under leaves etc. More hassle than it's worth. Still have 4 out of the 5 hanging in clear garbage bags down in the basement I'll make into oil fairly soon. Been giving it away to a couple guys I know in town and have started on another plant as the first one is all gone. I didn't smoke any of it.

Chopping day 17th of Sept.


Hanging around in the carport.


Slowing down the dry a bit for a better cure. Not that it matters as it'll all be oil soon.


Sunset in the pot patch. The end!



I forgot about this thread so I'll finish it off.

No more outdoor growing for me. A hemp farm about 5 miles north of me knocked up the Girls of Summer 2022 and the farm is twice the size this last summer. Good news is I talked to one of the farmers and they don't care if I want to go in after they've chopped it all down and take all the tops I want. Probably only 6% or so CBD but it's free so why the hell not. I have about 3/4 of a garbage bag full, 8lbs or so and can get a nice bowl of oil out of that. I'll send some to a lab in Vancouver for potency testing. I'll have a couple other batches of oil that will need testing as well.

I got two shopping bags like this a couple days apart. The 2nd bag I had good pruners and packed them in a lot tighter. These guys only grow it for the fibre so don't care about the bud. Too bad as they could make a lot more money selling de-hulled hemp seed for food and sent the bud off to legal extractors to harvest the CBD. Their loss, my gain. :)


I was wondering why the girls weren't doing as well as the ones from the year before and didn't figure it out until I started trimming up the first one and found it half full of seeds. No great loss as I didn't like having to brush out all the dead bugs stuck on buds and tucked away under leaves etc. More hassle than it's worth. Still have 4 out of the 5 hanging in clear garbage bags down in the basement I'll make into oil fairly soon. Been giving it away to a couple guys I know in town and have started on another plant as the first one is all gone. I didn't smoke any of it.

Chopping day 17th of Sept.


Hanging around in the carport.


Slowing down the dry a bit for a better cure. Not that it matters as it'll all be oil soon.


Sunset in the pot patch. The end!



Congrats on the chop, nice work my friend. :welldone:
That sunset pic is gorgeous. :yahoo:
Almost as nice as your ladies.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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