Long Time Smoker, First Time Grower! Blue Dream' White Widow' Greenhouse Grow


420 Member
How’s things lads hope all is well with everyone, haven’t been on here in a long time so need some getting used to again 🙏🏽

We got a Blue Dream auto going this year from fastbuds.. we’ll hopefully have a White Widow going too from seedsman not an auto though all going in the greenhouse here in sunny ol’ Ireland 😂 fingers crossed we get any bit of a decent summer for a grow this year..

We would’ve had Critical 2.0 & Dos Si Dos 33 in here too but the critical decided to decapitate itself emerging from the soil 🤷🏽‍♂️😂 Dos Si Dos just completely refused to germinate and it was the only seed I had.. we’ve had 2 white widows not germinate either which is why I say hopefully we’ll have one of those this year because it’s down to the last seed to make it possible 🙏🏽

Dos Si Dos was a fem from fast buds and the critical 2.0 was an auto gifted by Seedsman.

As it stands we got one Blue Dream with its head out and we’ve got another one germinating.. last white widow is germinating along side that so will just have the 3 plants in total (2 autos)

Hope a couple of you can follow along.. give some tips if you think there needed.. this isn’t going to be anything crazy I usually always do the pH correctly and grow in coco but never works out for me I thought we should take it back to basics on this run.. some soil some water and some feed when it’s time, simple grow but with some results if we’re lucky 😎

Let’s see how it goes!!
Welcome aboard.

Once the seeds have sprouted take a photo or two. A basic photo catches attention and other growers will follow along to see how things go.

I usually always do the pH correctly and grow in coco but never works out for me I thought we should take it back to basics on this run.. some soil some water and some feed when it’s time, simple grow but with some results if we’re lucky 😎
Growing in soil can be easy. So easy that many of us test the pH of the water before it is poured on and that it is. None of the worry about testing water that comes out of the drain holes in the container.
Welcome aboard.

Once the seeds have sprouted take a photo or two. A basic photo catches attention and other growers will follow along to see how things go.

Growing in soil can be easy. So easy that many of us test the pH of the water before it is poured on and that it is. None of the worry about testing water that comes out of the drain holes in the container.
Thanks @SmokingWings 🙏🏽

I’ve had a couple small grows in the past but nothing major.. should have a couple journals buried deep in here somewhere under some old account even. I just think I was getting ahead of myself too much so thought I’d step back a little let it do its own thing kind of, wasn’t even gonna do the pH been honest just let it run wild.. you think I should though? Well I mean obviously I should but would I get away without I guess is what I’m saying if I keep it really really simple?

Got a quick pic of the ‘Blue Dream’ that’s out while we’re waiting for the others to germinate 👀

Think I’m gonna order some new seeds later today.. no sign of anything happening with the other seeds, unusual has that ever happened to anyone before?

Whatever about one or two.. there’s been 5 seeds total not to germinate now we got only one plant 🌱 I’ve never seen this.. bad batch maybe? 🤔 could be just aged too I did get them over a year ago but they were stored correctly shouldn’t have been any problems.. has to be said though on previous grow with these same seeds it was a very difficult grow and none of them even made it to flower so I’m thinking just a bad batch of them..

Blue dream is doing well she’s really starting to reach up for that sun now I’ll get some pics this coming week for you all 🙏🏽

Happy paddy’s day ☘️☘️
Right we got Blue Dream standing, rest of the seeds failed. I’m putting it down to age.. I’ve never had that happen before.

Waiting for the mailman to deliver some Mac1 & Forbidden Runtz 😁

Gonna do a little experiment here. Blue Dream started early March, gonna do the Mac1 and Forbidden Runtz early April and we gonna do something else early May.. see if theres much difference and when seems to be a better time to start autos outdoors here.

Will have a more up to date post when I start germinating the ones on the way so you know what’s going on.. didn’t have to put much thought into this but we gonna do the correct pH after all, I mean makes no sense not to or I’m just wasting my own time.. we want to make sure the gals are getting those nutes when the time comes.. gonna be sticking at 6.5/6.6 in the soil
Right we got Blue Dream standing, rest of the seeds failed. I’m putting it down to age.. I’ve never had that happen before.

Waiting for the mailman to deliver some Mac1 & Forbidden Runtz 😁

Gonna do a little experiment here. Blue Dream started early March, gonna do the Mac1 and Forbidden Runtz early April and we gonna do something else early May.. see if theres much difference and when seems to be a better time to start autos outdoors here.

Will have a more up to date post when I start germinating the ones on the way so you know what’s going on.. didn’t have to put much thought into this but we gonna do the correct pH after all, I mean makes no sense not to or I’m just wasting my own time.. we want to make sure the gals are getting those nutes when the time comes.. gonna be sticking at 6.5/6.6 in the soil
Blue Dream is fantastic, ran it last year and puffin it now :ganjamon:
No need to pH your water in soil, an occasional dose of sequestered iron can help if you do see a problem
Let's hope this year isn't the flood/drought we had last year
Best of luck to you
Blue Dream is fantastic, ran it last year and puffin it now :ganjamon:
No need to pH your water in soil, an occasional dose of sequestered iron can help if you do see a problem
Let's hope this year isn't the flood/drought we had last year
Best of luck to you
Welcome to the greenhouse Roy, to be fair my water here is around 7.0/7.1 anyway so probably would get away without doing it.. would save some time too and hassle on correcting the water I don’t like to add what I don’t have to when it comes to watering too so if I can avoid having to add any pH up or down all the better! Ah you know the pain brother hard summers here.. would be nice to get another summer like 2019 I think it was we was getting all 30 degrees (may have been too hot) but the plants loved it back then 🙏🏽
Alright let’s get this shit together.. what we got going in the greenhouse?

The grows that are going to be journaled here are;
- ‘Mac #1’ Auto (Dutch Passion)
- ‘Forbidden Runtz’ Auto (Fast Buds)
- ‘White Widow’ Reg. Fem (Seedsman)
- X2 ‘Blue Dream’ Auto (Fast Buds)

Dutch Passions Mac #1 and Fastbuds Forbidden Runtz made it to me safe and sound earlier today and we got them germinating now in glasses of water.. grabbed some quick pics for you

The Blue Dream seedling pictured above has been moved into the greenhouse yesterday.. decided to transplant early rather than stunt it later on, might have been a bad idea and ideally I should have planted it directly in the 50l pot from start over being an auto but that’s why I wanted to get it done and dusted, don’t think it’s gonna affect her too much though it was a pretty smooth operation and wasn’t really disturbed. Il get some more pics of her again soon

Second Blue Dream was only planted yesterday and I’m not expecting much to happen.. this was one of the seeds which refused to germinate but just as I went to throw em out I seen a tiny little tap root so I chucked it in the soil and we’ll see what happens.

Our White Widow is pretty much the same story except it didn’t even have a tap root so just chucked that one directly in the ground where il be planting some pumpkins soon.. either she rises or she doesn’t but again we’ll see that happens with her.. if it ends up being worthwhile we may even have to lift that and transplant to a pot of its own being the only non auto we have.. but again not expecting much to happen here with this one.

Hope everyones been keeping well and had a good weekend!
Lift off… we got everything in the ground now, both the forbidden runtz and the mac#1 were quick to pop, especially that forbidden runtz she was ready to plant less than 24hrs after but I left it the 2 days still until Mac 1 caught up.. grabbed some quick pics while I was out there but forgot to get a snap of our white widow spot.. pointless for now though nothing there to see yet.. the blue dream that did pop its head out is a little behind but growing none the less so just gonna keep letting it do its thing for now.. transplant probably didn’t help although she bounced back quick and started showing a little growth again since then.. stubborn lil feckers il tell ya!

Not much to say yet guys.. will do a proper update again soon but grabbed a couple pics the other day.. forbidden runtz and mac1 are off.. the 2nd blue dream lost its head I moved it to my pumpkin patch and its after growing a new head so gonna leave that be see what happens..

Mac1 had a little trouble getting out of its shell so had to give it a gentle hand.. got some weird colouration on that but it’s growing and doing its thing still.. fresh growth is nice n healthy so all good 🙌🏽

Hope alls well with everyone 🙏🏽


Can anybody help me here.. all seems to have been going well with the forbidden runtz but iv noticed that the leaves are starting to ‘claw’ and yellowing starting on the tips? The other blue dream had same thing happen at the same point in growth.. she’s been getting water not too much or little, may be slight heat stress as can hit 28/30 Celsius but this is very very rare so I don’t think it is and the Mac1 seems fine so if it was hot for one it would be the other.. I’ve given her a really really light dose of cal mag a week ago or little over that do you think this would have something to do with it? Been reading all sorts of contradicting stuff even down to nitrogen toxicity but hardly she wasn’t fed even yet.. so thought I’d come here for some helpful advice! Been reading that it could be a potassium def. too so might give it a light little dose of some bio grow and see if that helps any
Let me start off by saying sorry for the poor journaling here folks just getting back into the swing of things after a long break.. and been a hectic couple of weeks just trying to find the time with daily life to come on here and update you guys.. it’s pretty dead in here so I don’t feel too bad about it lol..

Just got a quick little vid this morning so grabbed a screenshot off that for you..
will get some good pics up in here soon I promise… pretty much just the forbidden runtz and mac#1 have survived.. my previous post thought we were running into problems with the F.R she was just lacking on water and think it was starting to show signs of possible phosphorus deficiency which is strange that early on.. gave her the water she needed and few days later gave her a tiny little dose of bio grow, seems to have done the trick all new growth was healthy and strong..

Anyway good points both plants are healthy and are now starting to flower, F.R is approx one week ahead of the Mac… bad points don’t think we got good enough growth for a good yield and thinking they should’ve been started a little later on as we started getting some good weather..

It is what it is I guess.. still gonna get something so not a complete waste of time.. just getting the touch back too so maybe next year will be better

Not too late here either I guess though so we’ll see how goes..

Probably won’t get any replies journal seems to be dead but il keep it updated.. out of curiosity has anyone used the advanced hydroponics of Holland range? And who has used the bio bizz range? What do you think is better? I’ve been using biobizz for this grow but I have the AHOH there too just wondering if I’d be better off using that? And bio bizz is supposedly organic so I’m wondering is the other organic? Don’t want too much chemicals going in there… biobizz is working just fine though.. plants got a little stunted and late starts, slow growth at the beginning.. gonna go later next year with them but they could still reward yet all about quality more than quantity really and definitely better than the last 2 years couldn’t get any to take off and don’t know why maybe down to the strain or the fact I was growing in coco, have to say soil is definitely easier for any beginner… got some pics for you lot whoever comes to have a look!


MAC #1

Forbidden Runtz
have to say soil is definitely easier for any beginner… got some pics for you lot whoever comes to have a look!
Yep. Most of us grew up watching a parent, relative or neighbor growing something in a pot soil or in an area in the back yard. We became used to seeing what they were doing even if we did not pay all that much attention.

Probably won’t get any replies journal seems to be dead but il keep it updated.. <snipped>… got some pics for you lot whoever comes to have a look!
There was a thread sometime last year or early this year that got into how journal authors can attract attention to their grow and journal. Don't remember where I saw it.

Journals can be hard to get going for new members. It often needs the grower to come up with a steady supply of messages to hold the readers attention. What caught my attention back in mid-March was that you were growing a Blue Dream. Since I have been growing clones from clones of a Blue Dream seed planted back in the Nov or December of 2017 I decided to follow along here.

One thing that was mentioned was that the author should put a link to their journal in their signature file. Another was that they should visit other journals and participate in the ones that are using the same methods or growing the same stain. That will help draw attention to the journals or links in the sig file.

An example of this is that as of this minute you have posted 14 messages. Of those, 13 are in this one journal. And, no link to the journal in your signature, at least not yet.

Oh, and I found the link on making successful grow journals....

You could probably skip the first bunch of pages and start looking at the suggested tips and suggestions and what was said here...
Thanks @SmokingWings to be honest just been really busy this year so it’s hard to get on here most times to document this grow and get a look at some others going on.. just getting up what I can but when things get quieter and I have a little more time on my hands I’m definitely going to get a good look and see what’s going on around here.. mine will probably be done but will be interesting to see what others are doing might get some tips for next year and build up some friends on here by then.. to bigger and better journals brother.. and to bigger and better flowers too cheers! 🍻
Quick little update again.. have to apologise for just dropping in and out like this lads gonna be getting a proper journal going next summer and will have more time to pop my head in to some of your own journals too 🫡

Just some pics I got for you lot..
Everything is going well getting good temps mostly so can’t complain.. Forbidden Runtz is getting nice and frosty now 😁

Forbidden Runtz


M.A.C 1

Got the 2 babies together 💪🏽
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