Decided to throw them in there for 2 hours this afternoon and try the light out...

Hi guys, i have a question about the LED light and its VEG and BLOOM switches.

Being that im running autos, is an issue to haveveg and bloom switched on at the same time? From my research, it seems that they thrive on light so the more i can give them the better. Perhaps @Elmer Fud can advise? I havent actually started the transition yet because of hiw bright the LED is (will be fixed next week) but i wanna get my ducks in a row so to speak so i know what my plan of action is going to be.


Hi there friend! :snowboating:

Nope there is no problem with that. Especially if your running autos. They do their own thing. the more light for autos the better! Just hold down your environment and your a golden duck! :green_heart::passitleft::snowboating:
Hi there friend! :snowboating:

Nope there is no problem with that. Especially if your running autos. They do their own thing. the more light for autos the better! Although heavy reds will help your plants better during the last 4-6 weeks. So Just hold down your environment and your a golden duck! Ad more lights! :green_heart::passitleft::snowboating:
There ya go! Boom!

I bet your excited to have them in the tent full time! :yahoo:

Im excited to have them in there for sure but not sure on the full time yet. Need the blackout material to arrive, even now from back window i can see the taint hint of pink seeping through the blinds on the windows on the shed but once thats sorted i can relax and enjoy it :blunt::yahoo::slide:
Hi All, me again.... with another amateur mistake/question.

So any of you that have followed my journal will know i initially thought i was growing in a soil based medium (although in actual fact it turned out to be a coco based medium) and as you will have seen in the chat, I am watering pretty much every couple of days now once the pots are light to lift.

However, I am going away for a week from Sept 14th. Absolute nightmare and something i completely didnt consider at the front end of this. If i was in soil id be less bothered about the watering as it holds moisture for longer but in coco, its getting pretty dry every two days. Ive still got two weeks before then so it might be that the situation isnt as bad as i thought but the week i am away will technically be week 6/7. So flowering will be taking off big time by this point.

Help! Stupid I know. There is no one i can ask to come in the middle of the week so my only option really is to risk it and just see how they are after a week of no attention.

What do you all think? What are the chances they survive a few days without a feed or will come back to some dried up dead plants?
Hi All, me again.... with another amateur mistake/question.

So any of you that have followed my journal will know i initially thought i was growing in a soil based medium (although in actual fact it turned out to be a coco based medium) and as you will have seen in the chat, I am watering pretty much every couple of days now once the pots are light to lift.

However, I am going away for a week from Sept 14th. Absolute nightmare and something i completely didnt consider at the front end of this. If i was in soil id be less bothered about the watering as it holds moisture for longer but in coco, its getting pretty dry every two days. Ive still got two weeks before then so it might be that the situation isnt as bad as i thought but the week i am away will technically be week 6/7. So flowering will be taking off big time by this point.

Help! Stupid I know. There is no one i can ask to come in the middle of the week so my only option really is to risk it and just see how they are after a week of no attention.

What do you all think? What are the chances they survive a few days without a feed or will come back to some dried up dead plants?

Easy fix brotha. Simply go to your local hydroponic store, and get a small timed water pump. (Or if you want to go cheaper. One of those small submersible pumps worth 30-40$ or something, some watering stakes, and some irrigation tubing with a cap and PCV pipe glue and a 20$ timer) I'm assuming you need to go cheap. So the first option I said it can get pricey. But the second option will be like 140$ 150$ CAD total..

So, you take your tubing, cut it to length and wrap it around your pots so each stake can be in a pot. You can buy the proper tubing with little insert holes every 12 inch's apart at any hydroponic gardening superstore or warehouse. Insert the stakes in those little holes where each pot is/will be. Glue the cap on your tubing end and your ready..

Now you have to figure out how much pressure is coming from your pump, and how fast each pot is filled. Figure that out and then set your timer for that amount of time daily. OR. You can set it to turn on every hour for 1 or 2 minutes. If your gone just for a few days this will help. Make sure your reservoir is large enough and filled with water. Might as well throw a cheap airater puck in there also. To oxygenate your water. This is not optimal. But it's a relatively cheap way of having a automatic irrigating system for a few plants.. You can leave for a week or even 2. :green_heart: :snowboating: :Namaste:
Easy fix brotha. Simply go to your local hydroponic store, and get a small timed water pump. (Or if you want to go cheaper. One of those small submersible pumps worth 30-40$ or something, some watering stakes, and some irrigation tubing with a cap and PCV pipe glue and a 20$ timer) I'm assuming you need to go cheap. So the first option I said it can get pricey. But the second option will be like 140$ 150$ CAD total..

So, you take you tubing, cut it to length and wrap it around your pots so each stake can benin a pot. You can buy the proper tubing with little insert holes every 12 inch's apart at any hydroponic gardening superstore or warehouse. Insert the stakes in those little holes where each pot is/will be. Glue the cap on your tubing end and your ready..

Now you have to figure out how much pressure is coming from your pump, and how fast each pot is filled. Figure that out and then set your timer for that amount of time daily. OR. You can set it to turn on every hour for 1 or 2 minutes. If your gone just for a few days this will help. Make sure your reservoir is large enough and filled with water. Might as well throw a cheap airater puck in there also. To oxygenate your water. This is not optimal. But it's a relatively cheap way of having a automatic irrigating system for a few plants.. You can leave for a week or even 2. :green_heart: :snowboating: :Namaste:

Appreciate the reply but i really dont have the money to spend. I dont think i have any other choice but to risk it and just give them a feeding the day i leave and get straight back to it when I'm back. Hopefully i dont come back to some great smelling “pot pourri” :rip::laughtwo:
Appreciate the reply but i really dont have the money to spend. I dont think i have any other choice but to risk it and just give them a feeding the day i leave and get straight back to it when I'm back. Hopefully i dont come back to some great smelling “pot pourri” :rip::laughtwo:

Well, the only option I can think of for you then, is to get someone to come water them for you while your gone. :passitleft: :nervous-guy:
Yeah man! Elmer pretty much covered every different option. If you’ve got no money for a drip system, or auto feeder. Your best bet would be for someone to come water them once while your gone. That one feeding is better then no feeding.

If nothing else, give them a really good feeding, almost double what you normally feed them, and hope for the best... I would say turn the fan off to help keep that moisture in those pots, and they should be ok for 7 days without a fan on them.

Good luck man, hope you get er’ figured out!
I have found something that might help my chances. Theyre simple and cheap spikes that can hold a bottle upside down. They take up to two litre bottles and drip feed the pot. I figure if i give them a big feed the day i go and put these in too then i might just make it. I cant believe ive done this, it would absolutely suck to lose them after getting this far!

Id get the auto system if i had the money but i don't at the moment and i dont really have anyone i can ask to come and do it for me.
Just to show you guys what i mean, i have picked up some of these from my garden centre for around £10 (US$12 / CA$15)...


The plan is to shove at least 2 of these in to each pot and attach 2 litres bottles to each one. They will be filled with pre-mixed nute rich water. If i can get a third one i will but im not sure i can. If they are heavy i already have some bamboo stakes i can use to tape the bottles to, to keep them sturdy when upside down in the pots. My thinking here is i feed them as late as possible on the night before i fly (i fly super early) and then flip the bottles over the morning i fly they will be drip fed 4 litres for that week.... more if i can... and that should be enough to at least keep them from going beyond irreparable damage.

Didnt mean to come across rude in reply to the suggestions yesterday, was having a a cr*p day with work, my worries about the health of the grow for that week and then to be advised i needed to spend more money really didnt do my mood much good. So apologies if anything came across blunt guys (oooh, blunt, i couldve used one of those last night :blunt:). Feeling better today now i have an affordable plan and next time i will definitely check the calendar before jumping in head first without thinking about it.
Hi guys, plants had 9 hours under the LED today. I might be being impatient but i can barely see any growth at the moment. I guess it takes a while to make the switch? They will be put on a 12/12 schedule tomorrow full time.

Also, ive got the light about 2 foot from the tallest plant, is this ok? Ive tried googling but heights seem to vary in opinion?
Hi guys, plants had 9 hours under the LED today. I might be being impatient but i can barely see any growth at the moment. I guess it takes a while to make the switch? They will be put on a 12/12 schedule tomorrow full time.

Also, ive got the light about 2 foot from the tallest plant, is this ok? Ive tried googling but heights seem to vary in opinion?
It'll take a week for the plants to respond to the flip, then the grow show is on!
Like me I'm impatient.... patient is the key.

Happy growing!
Hi guys, plants had 9 hours under the LED today. I might be being impatient but i can barely see any growth at the moment. I guess it takes a while to make the switch? They will be put on a 12/12 schedule tomorrow full time.

Also, ive got the light about 2 foot from the tallest plant, is this ok? Ive tried googling but heights seem to vary in opinion?

2 foot should be fine!!

On checking the girls this morning I discovered this on the tallest one....


It seems i have one leaf kind of curling in on itself and pointing downwards and i have another pointing up. I think its light burn but what do you guys think?

I have raised the light and left it all on.
Just to show you guys what i mean, i have picked up some of these from my garden centre for around £10 (US$12 / CA$15)...


The plan is to shove at least 2 of these in to each pot and attach 2 litres bottles to each one. They will be filled with pre-mixed nute rich water. If i can get a third one i will but im not sure i can. If they are heavy i already have some bamboo stakes i can use to tape the bottles to, to keep them sturdy when upside down in the pots. My thinking here is i feed them as late as possible on the night before i fly (i fly super early) and then flip the bottles over the morning i fly they will be drip fed 4 litres for that week.... more if i can... and that should be enough to at least keep them from going beyond irreparable damage.

Didnt mean to come across rude in reply to the suggestions yesterday, was having a a cr*p day with work, my worries about the health of the grow for that week and then to be advised i needed to spend more money really didnt do my mood much good. So apologies if anything came across blunt guys (oooh, blunt, i couldve used one of those last night :blunt:). Feeling better today now i have an affordable plan and next time i will definitely check the calendar before jumping in head first without thinking about it.
I know all about these. But they are NOT reliable with cannabis. They over (or even under) water BIG time... That being said. You might be able to pull it off in the little amount of time ur gone. Good luck! Keep us posted. :Namaste: :peace:
Over watering? I thought it was impossible to over water in coco! Haha! Man this is a rollercoaster ride of a journey.

Thanks. Again.

As for your message regarding the spikes i have heard the same thing but a few people have advised that if you stuff them with tissue, then the regulation of the flow becomes much slower. I will only know by trying i suppose. Just fingers crossed for me that they dont dump all the water in the first 2 days and they end up over watered.... again!

What about the height of the light, i raised it this morning thinking i had burned them but should i lower it again this evening?
Over watering? I thought it was impossible to over water in coco! Haha! Man this is a rollercoaster ride of a journey.

Thanks. Again.

As for your message regarding the spikes i have heard the same thing but a few people have advised that if you stuff them with tissue, then the regulation of the flow becomes much slower. I will only know by trying i suppose. Just fingers crossed for me that they dont dump all the water in the first 2 days and they end up over watered.... again!

What about the height of the light, i raised it this morning thinking i had burned them but should i lower it again this evening?

As for your light. Just ensure it's at least 24 inch's away from your canopy. There is no burning from what I can see. At all. As your plant age's and grows, you can lower the light to 18 inch's above the canopy. 18 inchs ALWAYS being the lowest point.. :snowboating:
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