I wouldn’t worry too much about it, it’s probably just the plant pushing out new growth really fast. :thumb:

Right, heres a few shots....


Also, for comparison, ive attached full shots of both of white widows because i cant get over how different they look when they're supposed to be the same strain from the same packet of seeds.


The second photo is the other white widow and its just looks happier. Let me know what you think?


  • 012B8273-2922-4FE0-ACFE-5D0726E5653A.jpeg
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Unusual new growth, smooth leaf edges.

Accidental re-vegging.


But.. those are autos.. :hmmmm:

This is exactly what i was thinking. How does that even happen? The seeds were from RQS so they should be reputable. Do i need to go back to 12/12 to see if puts it back in to flower?

EDIT: so ive done some research at my desk this morning because im finding this rather stressful. It seems that a lot of people growing autos have experienced similar things but often put it down to foxtailing. Ive tried to read up on this to understand what on earth it is but im really struggling to decipher it. Dont seem to be any further on in understanding what it is what it looks like despite reading a lot. I suppose they couldve been stressed with some heat last week while i was away, we had our last little heat wave before autumn came crashing down on us this week. So it could be a heat stress related thing?
OK so because im stressing and because of the time difference, I have asked a UK based forum. No answers on the weird growth but someone has spotted the shiny slivers i have on my leaves and are telling me i have a thrip infestation.....

This is not a good week for me! Having done some more research on that, im inclined to agree. The slivers look textbook. However, i have kept an eye on the slivers for some time because i was unsure what they were or where they were coming from and i havent noticed any insects in there. Ive bought some neem oil and a pump spray to give that a go tomorrow.

Man, this has gone from a fun experience to an absolute nuisance this week and im now freaking out that all of this money (i dont care about the time, its mine and i can do what i like with it ha) im going to lose a chunk of my garden!
I’m so sorry this is happening! :confused:

Any experience with thrips? I cancelled the neem oil order after finding someone in the UK on another forum recommending a different product and stating it works every time without fail. Fingers crossed.

When spraying the plants, i assume i need to do my best to avoid the pistils and flowering sites?
Small aphid populations are usually not a big concern. However, aphids are able to reproduce extremely quickly and large infestations can have a huge impact on the health of your cannabis plants and their ability to develop.
Aphids are introduced into gardens by winged “colonisers” which quickly lay eggs on new plants they wish to colonise. While it’s always best to prevent a pest infestation than control one, aphids can be particularly hard to prepare against. Outdoor gardens are usually more at risk of an aphid infestation.
As we mentioned earlier, winged female aphids usually hatch in spring while new female and male aphids usually lay overwintering eggs at the end of summer. If you want to protect your garden against any kind of pest infestation, it’s always best to ensure that your grow environment isn’t “attractive” to pests.
Most garden pests like warm, humid conditions and stagnant air. It’s therefore always important to ensure your grow room is kept at the right temperatures (between 20 and 25ºC is ideal) and you should install a few fans or a ventilation system to ensure plenty of airflow.
However, to best protect against an infestation, try some of the following tips and keep an extra eye out for aphids during spring and late summer.
If you spot aphids on your plants, a good first step to dealing with the infestation is to prune off any infested areas and disposing of them immediately.
Once you’ve pruned the plants, you’ll also want to hose them down with water, or a water-vinegar solution that will kill any remaining insects.

Ladybugs, hoverfly larvae, parasitic wasps, aphid midge larvae, crab spiders, and lacewings all naturally prey on aphids and many other pests (such as spider mites and whiteflies).
We recommend introducing some of these insects to your garden during spring and late summer to best prevent an infestation. If you’ve already detected aphids on your plants, it’s usually too late to rely on predatory insects.
Instead, follow some of the other tips below and, once you’ve dealt with an infestation, reintroduce predatory insects into your garden to prevent another infestation in the future.

Lady. It’s love to aphids, but I know a person who bought lady bugs every year, got them to breed and yes lady bugs eat aphids, but the baby’s of lady bugs are ferocious. They eat aphids for breakfast!!
Small aphid populations are usually not a big concern. However, aphids are able to reproduce extremely quickly and large infestations can have a huge impact on the health of your cannabis plants and their ability to develop.
Aphids are introduced into gardens by winged “colonisers” which quickly lay eggs on new plants they wish to colonise. While it’s always best to prevent a pest infestation than control one, aphids can be particularly hard to prepare against. Outdoor gardens are usually more at risk of an aphid infestation.
As we mentioned earlier, winged female aphids usually hatch in spring while new female and male aphids usually lay overwintering eggs at the end of summer. If you want to protect your garden against any kind of pest infestation, it’s always best to ensure that your grow environment isn’t “attractive” to pests.
Most garden pests like warm, humid conditions and stagnant air. It’s therefore always important to ensure your grow room is kept at the right temperatures (between 20 and 25ºC is ideal) and you should install a few fans or a ventilation system to ensure plenty of airflow.
However, to best protect against an infestation, try some of the following tips and keep an extra eye out for aphids during spring and late summer.
If you spot aphids on your plants, a good first step to dealing with the infestation is to prune off any infested areas and disposing of them immediately.
Once you’ve pruned the plants, you’ll also want to hose them down with water, or a water-vinegar solution that will kill any remaining insects.

Ladybugs, hoverfly larvae, parasitic wasps, aphid midge larvae, crab spiders, and lacewings all naturally prey on aphids and many other pests (such as spider mites and whiteflies).
We recommend introducing some of these insects to your garden during spring and late summer to best prevent an infestation. If you’ve already detected aphids on your plants, it’s usually too late to rely on predatory insects.
Instead, follow some of the other tips below and, once you’ve dealt with an infestation, reintroduce predatory insects into your garden to prevent another infestation in the future.

Lady. It’s love to aphids, but I know a person who bought lady bugs every year, got them to breed and yes lady bugs eat aphids, but the baby’s of lady bugs are ferocious. They eat aphids for breakfast!!

Thanks man. Good info but not really what i need as i do already have an infestation. Cant really take them outside and hose them down, its now too cold here they will be shocked.

I have noticed that they seem to mainly be attacking the two white widows and lately theyre both looking really unhappy.... yes, the second one is starting too look very sad too. I feel that all i can do is try to to keep them alive and use this stuff ive been recommended on another forum. Will try my best to avoid hitting the flowering sites. Damn this sucks.

As an aside, felt a bit flush at the end of the month so bought a tent. I suppose, at the very least, i now have the hardware i need to do another run straight away.


And then because everything has been doom and gloom lately, how about some good news...


As you can see, the Amnesia is now putting some weight on, shes not the biggest and i dont there will be much yield but its something and hopefully i’ll have a small amount of frosty amnesia buds at the very minimum before going out again and doing another run.
Nice tent! Good choice with the mars hydro! Did you talk to SmokeSara and get a deal?

Plant is looking good.

You could spray them off in a utility sink or anything really.

To be honest i didnt but only because i had an Amazon voucher that needed using so i bought it from there. Wasn’t actually that expensive in the end. With the voucher i only paid £75.

Sink isnt a bad shout, it does require carrying them across the garden and back in to the house. I’ll consider it depending on how the pesticide works. Will be doing that today so fingers crossed.
If at all possible do it up man!

I’ve heard from great, great members that spraying the plants with almost ice cold water, does wonders.

Keep us updated!!

That amazon voucher turned out not too bad eh?

If you buy anything more mars hydro related, you should def contact @SmokeSara and see what she could do for you :thumb:
Hi @Wallanaise the Haze , thanks for choosing Mars tent, hope you love it and enjoy the grow. if any more question or need in future, just feel free to tag me or PM me here. ;)
Thank you @Backlipslide for tag me in. :D
If at all possible do it up man!

I’ve heard from great, great members that spraying the plants with almost ice cold water, does wonders.

Keep us updated!!

That amazon voucher turned out not too bad eh?

If you buy anything more mars hydro related, you should def contact @SmokeSara and see what she could do for you :thumb:

Yeah man im really happy with it. Such a sturdy feeling tent, excellent reflective material inside and the thing is insanely good at keeping the light in. Ive definitely spent more than planned but in the long run it should hopefully be worth it.

So I've been doing some research on the lack of budding with my two white widows and there does seem to be a history of autos where for some reason they flip to being photoperiod plants. This would explain why i have scores of flowering sites but no buds yet. It does seem to me that WW1 has also ended up foxtailing on the main top, the sites are just mad, so many stacked on top of each other. I guess this has been caused by light stress from the immediate switch to 18 hours from 12. Ive found some other forums where people have had similar issues and it would seem they have had success in switching the light schedules back to 12/12 to kick start flowering again. I think im going to give this a go this week and see how we get on. Although with the amnesia in full bud mode, i do worry a little that the less light will result in a reduced yield of lower potency buds. However, being the runt of the litter im willing to risk it to gain something from the other two.

I have no pics to share today as there isnt much change but i will keep the journal updated and provide photos if my changes do bear fruit.
OK so someone has just advised that i may have a small N toxicity situation with WW1 (the strange growth and dark green shiny and sometimes clawing leaves randomly on the plant)... looking at the below description, i can tick most of those. Frustratingly i fed her this morning at the usual week 8 ratios so i may have made it worse.

Update time....

So im fairly sure ive managed to give N toxicity to both the amnesia and white widow 1. However, all is not lost, i have adjusted their feeds and lowered the ratios. All have been fed today so i figured a good time to take some pictures and show you guys whats going. I decided against changing the light schedule and its paid off i think, it seems WW1 is putting some weight on those buds now, finally. Only downside is the white wids are really bushing out, so much so im running out of space!


White Widow 1:


White Widow 2:



Hello guys,

Sorry for the silence, i have reached that time in the grow where not much happens it seems. All plants are budding nicely now, i think my earlier worries were really just a lack of patience. A first timers worst enemy. It causes overthinking. I didnt change the lights although i did reduce the strength of my nutes as i do agree that i had N toxicity. The thrip infestation? Doesnt appear to getting any worse, although some of the leaves were in a pretty bad way when i found out i had that so its tough to say whether or not theyre thriving in there still because only new growth would be noticeably affected and most of the new growth now is being targeted at growing big, juicy, frosty, plump.... buds. :thumb:

In terms of an update, there isnt really much to tell you at the moment that i havent already done so above. As it looks like i may have something at the end of this, i have bought the next lot equipment for harvest, namely secateurs and a jewellers loupe. I cant tell how far out they are but i looked at the Amnesia and WW1 last night (images below) and all is looking good :drool:(although i do think the Amnesia is close, im still seeing mostly clear trichomes but i can barely see any whites pistils anymore, theyre mostly brown and begin to curl in on themselves) the smell is really kicking up now too so i suspect that for at least one or two of them i may be entering the final couple of weeks. The two white widows are drinking a serious amount now as well, im in there every other day with 3/4 litre feeds and they're drying up those pots in no time. The amnesia not so much but i guess thats because shes stunted and miniature. Herbie feels left out. Ive promised him he will star in the next update but i dont think he believes me anymore.


Dont suppose you can offer any advise on the amnesia and its brown pistils but clear trich's?
Keep em coming man!


Dont suppose youve got any advice for the Amnesia's brown pistils but clear trich's? Ive read a lot on harvest but views vary. It seems to be a harvest when you want depending on type of high but that really doesnt help a first timer!
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