Question about recent harvest


Well-Known Member
Just finished some THC Bomb from Bomb Seeds. Got them as clones from a local dispensary. They are Feminized Photoperiod plants. I flowered them for 8 weeks and then flushed for about 10 days. I found some foxtails yesterday and the trichomes are where I want, about 40% clear and 60% cloudy. There are very few ambers.

Anyway, I noticed that 2 plants in the same cabinet have developed male signs under the lower branches. Not seeds yet but definitely seed pods. See pics below.

My Questions:

1. Will these developing seeds affect the smoke?
2. What can cause this? It has been extremely cold here at night. You can see below the leaves and buds purpled a bit from the cold. Can this cause it to stress and go hermie or simply produce seeds?
3. If I chop most of the plant and let a branch go and fully develop the seeds will they be viable? Will they also be Feminized Seeds?

Most frosty flowers I've ever grown and they smell amazing, incredibly sweet. Highly recommend this strain if you run across some clones.

Thanks in advance for any comments or help.




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