*READ* i need help


New Member
Okay, we all remember our first true high ...and i miss mine alot ...i've been mainly smokeing shwag for 7 years now and ive came to the point were 5 perfectly rowled joints wont do shit to me! And I really cant spend alot of money on NUGZ every week ... so before i try i must know... I am going to stop smokeing for 4 months JUST TO REGAIN MY TOLERANCE .... IS THIS POSSIBLE!!!???
uh huh..
i took a break for 9 months....came back with shit tolerance and had it back in no time...might need to take another break soon
yea dude just stop for a little and upgrade to like mids or somthing
break for a few weeks, maybe a month...
then find a better supply! find the right people! you can get anything for basically the same price if you just find the right people. and when you do, stay loyal! someone you've been buying from for months vs. some kid on the street you've never seen before... they'll be honest with you, and help you out. they'll tell you in advance if they have some really good stuff coming in... and if you treat them right they won't overcharge you just for the hell of it.
yea bro 4months is a good long time but when you do start up for that first time in 4months try smoking hashish (the pure shit) then you should feel "Good/Insane"
Just get some better weed man. That is all there is to it. You can always find a little bit of some good stuff if you look hard enough. But if that is not an option, then your going to have to quit. A couple weeks should be plenty time for your brain and body to go back to "normal". PEACE ---go find some good weed bro.
From experience.. quit for 1 month, get some edibles and some good pot, eat and smoke and find a couch for the next little while.. enjoy the stupidity!
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