Real experience about detox


New Member
ok, first post here, but I wanted to share information on my own experience with trying to get a new job, and being tested for weed among other illicit drugs.
When I first learned that I would be tested, I knew I had to at least abstain. Not an easy thing for me to do, with almost 40 years of smoking/eating.
The test was seven days after I quit. I did all the tricks: the detox potions, the water loading, the creatine, the calcium carbonate to adjust specific gravity, the vitamin b2 for color, aspirin for acidity. I thought I was going to be ok the day of the test. Seven days after the test I get the phone call from the testing lab that I was positive for THC. That's it, no numbers, no explanation, just positive for THC, and they were going to relate this info to the employer.
A few days later, the employer calls to say I don't get the job. I tried to ask for a retest, but they wouldn't hear of it.
Knowing that other employers would also likely test, I decided to stay clean and continue to abstain. I decided to test myself with FirstCheck home drug tests. I've had no other job prospects, and it ain't easy staying clean, but I've been good.
Like many people, I was under the impression that I would be clean after about 30 days. The first sample sent in to FirstCheck was at 35 days clean. The home test was positive, and I got depressed, but I sent it into their lab to get numbers. The results came back at 22ng/ml, which would be a fail under any lab test for employment.
Another test at home was taken at 45 days clean. This one looked negative, but I sent it in anyway, again just to get the numbers. I just got the results today, and it is still positive for THC at 15ng/ml.
Now, I know that's the cut off point, and it sucks, but if that were for another job, I would still be out of luck. but still...... the point is after 45 days of not smoking and doing the exercise thing and watching fat intake, I am still positive.
Another week or so and I'll do another test, that one should be clean, but that will be over 60 days of not smoking.
I know things like metabolism and body weight have a lot to do with how long it takes to get THC out of your system, so here's my stats:
53 years old, medium metabolism, 6 foot 2, 200 pounds. Don't work out regularly, but have been lately to burn off some fat. Been a heavy weed smoker, at least three or four joints every day, for over 40 years.

Bottom Line:
If you smoke a lot and are faced with a drug test, you could be looking at over two months of abstinence just to get clean.
Granted, maybe the detox potions and other tricks would have worked after 20-30 days of being clean, but they are crap for heavy users. Don't believe the "money back guarantee", didn't work for me, since they wanted copies of the lab results, which I could not get for myself from the original employment test lab, never mind a third party.
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent.
Are you in another country other than the US? For most jobs the cutoff point for thc is 50ng. Anything lower than that and its considered clean. But there are occasionally private companies that will set the cutoff point lower. If its any kind of a federally monitored job the cutoff has to be 50ng per federal protocol.
It would easily take me 60 days to get clean, thats why I always use synthetic urine for all drug tests. Its easy to do and as long as its not for a court ordered test its perfectly safe to do. Just takes a little practice to keep the heat within range.
Are you in another country other than the US? For most jobs the cutoff point for thc is 50ng. Anything lower than that and its considered clean. But there are occasionally private companies that will set the cutoff point lower. If its any kind of a federally monitored job the cutoff has to be 50ng per federal protocol.
It would easily take me 60 days to get clean, thats why I always use synthetic urine for all drug tests. Its easy to do and as long as its not for a court ordered test its perfectly safe to do. Just takes a little practice to keep the heat within range.

Nope, no other country, right here in the good ol USA. I know most screening test are set at 50ng/ml, but it was, however, a government job, not federal but local town (computer tech), and this cut off was set at 15ng/ml. Pretty tight by any means. The test wasn't a screen, it was a full blown GC/MS done by many labs if they suspect the screen for any reason. The sad part is since there was also a physical involved at the same time, (I know I didn't mention this part), they put me in a hospital johnny and had me do some cardio like situps and pushups before they had me pee in a cup. In reflection, I can't see how I would have been able to get by with synthetic urine, where would I stash it? That's why I went with the detox drinks and water loading. This was just for a job, albeit a great job, but it was my first experience with trying to clean up after a lifetime of enjoying something so innocuous. Just wanted to share my experience, hope it helps somebody else who never thought they would have to go through this just to get hired. Maybe Canada has the right idea, I understand they don't allow pre-employment screens like this.
Anyway, lesson learned.
Thanks for responding
Nope, no other country, right here in the good ol USA. I know most screening test are set at 50ng/ml, but it was, however, a government job, not federal but local town (computer tech), and this cut off was set at 15ng/ml. Pretty tight by any means. The test wasn't a screen, it was a full blown GC/MS done by many labs if they suspect the screen for any reason. The sad part is since there was also a physical involved at the same time, (I know I didn't mention this part), they put me in a hospital johnny and had me do some cardio like situps and pushups before they had me pee in a cup. In reflection, I can't see how I would have been able to get by with synthetic urine, where would I stash it? That's why I went with the detox drinks and water loading. This was just for a job, albeit a great job, but it was my first experience with trying to clean up after a lifetime of enjoying something so innocuous. Just wanted to share my experience, hope it helps somebody else who never thought they would have to go through this just to get hired. Maybe Canada has the right idea, I understand they don't allow pre-employment screens like this.
Anyway, lesson learned.
Thanks for responding
So they didn't let you get dressed before the piss test? Have had a couple of physicals included with a drug test but I was always allowed to dress first so it was easy to transfer the synthetic back into my shorts.
Still feel drug tests are unconstitutional unless there has been reasonable cause shown to suspect drug use on the job. But corporations can get away with a lot of stuff by just putting it in a contract that you agree to drug tests whenever the company feels like it.
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