Reproduction Cannabis bottle labels

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I was looking at stash jars online, and well, nothing really appealed to me, plus the cost of some to hold barely an 1/8 was ridiculous.

So I has this cool idea. Cannabis used to be used to treat medical ailments before it was foolishly made illegal, so I was looking around on google, and most of those products were tinctures and such that I've seen so far. Obviously not the best bottles to store buds in, And some cost upwards of $250 for just an antique bottle.

Anyways, I was looking to see if anyone knew where I could find some copies of old labels to print up, age, and stick on some plain jars for that cool authentic look. I found a few on places like Etsy, but they want like $10 for a whole bunch of labels, and all I want are cannabis related labels.

I can get cheap jars locally for candle makers, slap a cool looking label on, and viola! I even plan on writing the strain name onto the label for an added touch of coolness.
Here's what I've been able to find so far, but the quality kinda sucks:





Old box:

Old bottle, probably from a tincture:

Someone was selling one on Ebay, it was a total reproduction, even had the tax stamps on it, but they wanted like $40 plus shipping. I can't see paying that for a $5 bottle and some paper glued to it..
Nice if they made a wide mouth...print some of these labels out and glue to a wide mouth canning jar like a ball 'blue' one. I like your would be cool ! Show us your finished product plz

Nice if they made a wide mouth...print some of these labels out and glue to a wide mouth canning jar like a ball 'blue' one. I like your would be cool ! Show us your finished product plz


Oh hell man, that's what I'm talking about right there. The amber glass really gives it a classic look. I was going to use some of those round candle jars with the glass lid and plastic/rubber seal around the top since they're available, but I'd love to find some amber colored glass.
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