Rituals: Cannabis Ceremonies/Social Sacrament - Trifolist Social Sacrament

Smokin Moose

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex Moderator
Cannabis is a gift not only of the Divine qualities for attaining a connection to the Divine aspects of existence. Cannabis has gifted itself to humanity to provide a counter to the ever present suffering during the journey of life. Cannabis relieves stress of life, enhances creativity and allows the individual to easily mix the wonders of the divine with the difficulties of the human condition.

Cannabis is thus consumed with regularity in a recreational manner that acts as a continual reminder of the divinity of existence. These Recreation Ceremonies are usually conducted in a family setting, gathered as if around the dinner table. The congregation sits in a circular manner, allowing all member to equally face one another allowing for the flow of socializing and conversation to be at an optimum level. Using either a blunt (marijuana cigar) a Bong (Water Pipe) or a Glass pipe or chillum. The cannabis is lit by the congregation leader/the grower of the plant/ the initiator or host of the ceremony/ or honored persons/ Special Guests. The opportunity for The first sampling of the sacred cannabis is a special and honored event. "The Green Hitter" will then pass the sacrament to the Left or Right according to a.) Individual tradition with acknowledgment to World Events Pass to The Left for times of peace or Celebration/ To the right to acknowledge a tragic event, times of war, or to acknowledge general hardships of life, always begin the Cycle with The "Green Hitter" making a short prayer/speech to guide the thoughts of the congregation to the focus of the cycle, the receiver of the cannabis sacrament.

After the Cycle is complete The congregation continues to discuss matters at hand. Art/Culture/Society/Spirituality/Personal Queries ect.

This is the Trifolist Social Sacrament Ceremony

-A similar but more personal ceremony may be held by individuals in solitude, to reflect upon any number of personal matters at hand. This is distinctly different from individual medical uses of the Cannabis Sacrament.
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