Riverside County cannot Join Medical Marijuana Suit

Spliff Twister

New Member
Riverside County will not be able to join a legal challenge to California's medical marijuana law, scheduled to be heard in San Diego Superior Court Nov. 16.

The county Board of Supervisors voted earlier this month to join the suit filed by San Diego, San Bernardino and Merced counties, but the court ruled Friday that Riverside would not be allowed to join the case. The suit particularly seeks to overturn state requirements that counties issue medical marijuana identification cards to patients with a doctor's recommendation to use the drug.

Both advocates and opponents of medical marijuana are looking to the suit to resolve the conflict between federal law banning any use or cultivation of marijuana and California law allowing medical use.

Newshawk: Spliff Twister - 420 Magazine
Source: The Desert Sun (Ca)
Pubdate: October 30, 2006
Author: K Kaufmann
Copyright: Copyright © 2006 The Desert Sun
Contact: k.Kaufmann@thedesertsun.com
Website: https://www.desertsunonline.com/
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