rockwool in a bubbler.


New Member
hello all:cheesygrinsmiley: i'm going to start some white rhino in my new homeaide bubbler. my Q's is does my plants have to be rooded be4 i put it in the bubbler,or can i just put the seed in the rockwool and let it do it thing? whats the right wat to do it in a dwc bubbler? thanks:hmmmm:
It better if you sprout them and then throw them in a rapi ropoter or one of those mediums and then put that into rookwool. If you are using the the samll rock well cudes I think 1'' then you can just put the seed after it sprouts in there. Make sure you pre treat your rockwool cubes. Rookwool is at 7 you need to bring it down to 5.5 is. So saok the rockwool cubes for 24 hours before you put you're spouting seeds in there
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