Rookie grower looking for advice


New Member
Ok this is what I am working with 4x8 tent with 2 600 watt hps. With that said I have 2 questions I ordered the general organics "go box" and a buddy gave me the technaflora starter kit. What one should I use? And I was also givin a 12 pot super closet bucket flow system :). I have heard hydro is way harder than soil should I try my hand a hydro. Fyi this is my second grow. Maybe try a single dwc bucket to get my feet wet ot just go "balls deep" in hydro. Thanks for any advice!!!!!
go and read TheCAP'N threads/tutorials,unless you dont want to grow a pound a plant.

hydro,is just more involved,mistakes can happen in a hurry.
if you go with the bigger system,its always best to put the same plants in it,they may required different levels of food,as you gain experience,you can mix and match species.
dwc/bubble buckets work well,if you leave them as a stand alone,you can tackle each plant as issue arise.
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