Screen name meanings.


New Member
I was wondering how ya'all came up with your names and what they mean to you.

I came up with stonerpoet because I'm a stoner and a poet. I like the nick name and I've had it for a couple of years.
Well Puddlez gots nuttin to do with pot really, but when i was in School i'd sit in the biggest mud puddle i could find to smoke a bowl so then everyone started callin me Puddlez.
well my nickname stems from my mexican backround and being a player just kidding but chile is hot and like ive been said to be when i lay the mack down on girls then master came later when i proved i could throw some game this was the nickname i got when i was about 15 from my friends and family and im still called that today.
Freaktan is because of how freakishly dark/tan I get if I've been out in the sun or spend my days surfing life away. In the winter, I go back to being as white as the snow I ski.
habilis means skilful in latin, learned that in history
it's a really old name i used to use, don't remember why anymore....o well it's still cool
Sir Blazin Bowl , im a guy to theres Sir Blazin because im always balzin up and bowl cause well i smoke outta a bowl so hence Sir Blazin Bowl....... i wanted to get Sir Iron Lungs but i was stoked when i made this name so im stuck with it ..
Mine is a combination of the first letter of my name, Q, the second part cash, is the first part of my favorite rap group, cash money billionaires, and the 3 is becaue I was 13 when I made it up so I just added the three cause Qcash13 was already taken on AIM.
Remember that fucking annoying BONZAI BUDDY that was pure spyware and impossible to erase? Well, when that first came out I used to use that purple dude to crank call people ib my office. I even used it once to respond to a job advertisement my boss put out LOL (He was NOT LOL at the time). Anyway, practical jokes are big at my work, so when ever I did something to somones desk or computer, I would always say "Damn, it must have been the purplemonkey that did it". WHenever I fucked up with sonmething, my boss began saying "It wasnt your fault, it must haev been the purplemonkey". It eventualy became my online gaming name name, and I replaced the O with a zero to make it unique. Hell, it beats Bukkake_Warrior, my OLD gaming name ;-)
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