Seedling main cola dry out please help!


New Member

So i germinated few autoflowers like blueberry, auto widow ak-47 etc.. now problem is after they are on 2nd week of being a seedling i just notice that they stopped growing then when i checked them carefully i saw the main cola is dry out its like an empty cola stem its just air inside and when i removed some soil around the seedling it just fell because the cola is dry or died already...

this happened to me 4 times now and its really frustrating... my seedlings just goes up to 3 to 4 inch then main cola dries out and die :(

I have planted like 20 seeds and 4 of them died that way already so im in panic that maybe my other plants will die too!

any of you experienced this ?

PS: my 1st batch of autoflower was fine but they were planted straight on 3 gal of pot unlike these new batch that started from small plastic cups so i wonder if that is the case ? they also died from that plastic cups and not from transplant they are only 2 weeks old max on cups

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