Seedsman Northern Lights Auto Mutations?


420 Member
LEDs are over 30 inches away, only watered once with a small amount of h2o2, calmag, and diamond nectar, after that just 16ppm spring water ph to 5.8/9

Wondering if its just mutated or what.....

Seedling appeared 6 days ago! Seems to be running behind from my little knowledge.

Any opinions?

If it was just leaf crinkling or a funny shape, I'd say it would grow out of it. The yellowing on such an early seedling tho would lead me to think nute burn. It could be light burn but not at over 30" away. That's a good distance. It only looks a day or 2 behind. I'd say lightly flush it. It shouldn't need much nutes if at all at this point.
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