Should I grow indoors or outdoors?


Growing Guru
Should I grow indoors or outdoors? What are the advantages of each? Which will yield more? Indoor vs Outdoors, let us know your personal experiences with either one or both of them.
fatkidaroo said:
would my parents get in trouble if the cops found my planst on the side of our house

If you parents names are on the deed, then your answer is a big, fat YES!!!! Technically, if your folks own you car and you're caught with weed in it, they can get in trouble for that as well.
Others should be able to give a more detailed list of in vs out but here is my take on it.

indoors positives
Great control over temp, humidity, water, light, bugs
easy to keep a secret.
faster grow out form start to finish....

indoor Negatives
Lights can be expensive
electeric bill can get expensive.
small space can be an issue
smell and venting
more time intensive...
possible smaller yields due to poor lights or smaller type of plants

Out door Positives
Sun light is free and strong!!
plant and yield can get bigger

out door Negative
may only be able to grow in summer do to cold weather.
less control

anyway like I said I know there are more plus and minuses for each but hope this helps :allgood:
It's gotta be indoor for me. I live in East Los angeles, there's always helicopters. Plus my neighbors might take my plants lol.
dude i don't no wut iz safer cuz like my room iz small and my parents would kill me if they found out i wuz smokin again so im tryin to grow outside in a forest dat iz close to my house.w/e:bong:
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