SST from hemp seeds?


Well-Known Member
I was reading up on making sprout tea to water the plants with. I have a 3-storey sprouting tray, and I started rummaging through the cupboards for something to sprout. I found a bag of organic oil hemp seeds,would they be ok for making SST?

Also if someone has a link to a definitive guide on how to make the sst-process,that would be great :) thanks!
Probabably most any seed will work for SST. There are some that are better than others and for different reasons.

I stopped making SST for my cannabis plants when I started using Malted Barley ground to a fine powder. It's got everything we need and more and it's instant result.

To make an SST:

sprinkle your seeds and fill each layer of your sprouting tray say 1 seed thick but full.

stack the trays up and put the catch tray in the btm

Add enough water to fill the btm tray, pour into the top tray.

Let it run thru and put the top on.

Next day say 24 hrs later, pour that first rinse down the drain and add the same amount of water again.

Wait 24 hrs ... repeat but the rinse water from the 2nd pour can be watered in on your plants (but not the first rinse). Very important detail there.

The 3rd day you should start to see sprouts or tails forming from the seeds.

Do another watering.

Next day you should have a lot of tails. Pour them into a food processor with the last rinse you have in the btm and grind that down to a puree. It should be wattery but a little thicker that water.

Take that mix in the food processor and strain it thru and fine mesh screen. You want the liquid not the hard bits.

Take that sieved liquid and dilute it say 1 cup to a gallon water.

That's your SST - can dilute more if you want and water in.... put leftover in the fridge but it wont keep long say a few days or until your next watering.

Always go easy and err on the conservative side until you get a feel for how your plants react to the SST. Try more diluted then stronger next time... like that.

SST is beneficial when plants are in VEG and early flower. Don't over do it. Say 2 waterings then wait a week and repeat. Try different seeds... Alfalfa is a good one. There are others.
Leftovers can be tossed outside on your trees, plants and flowers.

The waste from the food processor can be added to your compost pile, sprinkled around outdoor plants . I don't put then in containers with flowers.

Just gonna be a little much and I don't like to over do things. A little is good, a lot most of the time is not good. I've found this tru in gardening in general
Ok so you have some malted barley right. You know the reason for using it then for brewing beer. We use it in gardening for very similar reasons.

The Malted barley - prefer 2 row organic but anything other than the dark malts works well. Can be added to your compost tea along with your molasses to fire things up in the bucket or added to your soil mix,compost pile and also watered in scratched in etc.

Here's a quote:

"Barley Enzymes - amylase, arylsulphatase, β-glucosidase, cellulase, chitinase, dehydrogenase, phosphatase, protease and urease.

You can make your own DIY enzyme product for an affordable price. Just grind up the barley and top dress your plant. Application ranges from 1 T. for small plants up to 2 cups for large plants. Just apply the ground barley and water it in. Needs to be made fresh and cannot be pre-ground to preserve the enzymes."

Lots of brewers get the malted barley already milled for making beer. That's fine if you have it on hand like that. Best to have the whole seeds already malted and then grind to a fine powder in say a coffee grinder. Then I usually just water it in or scratch into surface of the soil and water in.

Will decrease your flower time by say 15-20% which is big, as well as many other benefits like mentioned earlier with enzymes which are very important for the microbes in the soil. It's like feeding the microbes steroids (organic of course).
Yeah you got it. I'm an organic gardener 420% so always looking to add stuff to my tool box. The malted barley deal was a game changer on yields, flavor, med strength everything really.

Enzymes for the win... there's some science thats been published on this as well.

Lots of BS science too and backed up with a product in a bottle. Just cause it says enzymes doesn't mean it works and should be priced like its precious metal. We already know the enzymes in malted barley work.. wouldn't be beer if it didn't.

You can also use your already milled stuff. I have mine stored in the freezer - you probably already know why! Its milled, all I do is grind up fine in a coffee grinder and water in.

Next order I will get it un-milled. Still gonna keep it in the freezer!
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