State Will Turn Over Medical Pot Records If Ordered By Fed Court

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Attorney General Bill Schuette told a federal court in Grand Rapids that the Michigan Department of Community Health will turn over records of medical marijuana users and caregivers in a Drug Enforcement Agency probe, but only if the court orders the department to do so.

Schuette actively campaigned in opposition to the 2008 law.

The DEA in June served a subpoena on the MDCH seeking all records related to seven medical marijuana patients and/or caregivers. The names of the targets in the investigation have been redacted from court filings. The state has thus far declined to fulfill the court order, citing a confidentiality clause in the medical marijuana law. That law was passed in 2008 by state voters.

But now Schuette says that if a federal judge orders the department to release the documents under the U.S. Constitution’s supremacy clause, the state will comply.

The investigation is targeting seven people who live in the Lansing area. It has been rumored that the targets of the DEA probe were also the targets of a DEA raid Nov. 30, in which the federal agency raided a warehouse in Okemos that a group of medical marijuana caregivers had rented to grow the plants. That raid has raised questions because two Michigan National Guard Blackhawk attack helicopters were used in a support role in the raid.

NewsHawk: Jim Behr: 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Todd A. Heywood
Copyright: 2011 The American Independent News Network
Contact: Contact Michigan Messenger | Michigan Messenger
Website: State will turn over medical pot records if ordered by fed court | Michigan Messenger
So the privacy terms that were voted in by the Michigan public are just going to be grazed over as they give away the confidential information. If the warehouse was raided by Blackhawk Helicopters I'm sure they have secured enough evidence to subdue these "criminals", how does the warrant the release of confidential patient information?
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