Staten Island's State Sen. Savino Leads The Charge In N.Y.'s Medical Marijuana Bill

The General

New Member
New York is one of 15 states with pending legislation on legalizing medical marijuana. In the meantime, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced in January he would launch a limited program in select hospitals. Advocates welcomed it as some movement in the right direction, but ultimately found it falls far short of what is required to address the needs of those who would benefit from medical cannabis.

Among proponents is State Sen. Diane Savino, a North Shore Democrat. She praised Cuomo's proposal as "an acknowledgment that the benefits outweigh the risks." However, she also sees it as extremely limited. Under the democratic governor's proposed pilot program, a limited number of hospitals would dispense medical marijuana. In response, Ms. Savino told the Advance, "We need a legitimate industry in New York State to produce a clean product that all can use. How would we pick and choose who would get relief? Would we have a lottery?"


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