Stoner Skill


New Member
Ok heres the situation. Your stranded at home with 1/4 and no peice. worst of all you have no lighter and not enough matches to get you high. what do you do? (Only use common household items)
true stoner question that takes up to much thinking fuck up ur lungs for that high... phonebook paper or bible papers roll that bitch up... only take one match to light it up
No pipe, ha good one. :laughtwo:
Materials: One can of soda, empty.
One wire coat hanger.
Electrical tape.

Tools: One pair of side-cut pliers.
One safety pin.
The kitchen stove.
Opposable thumbs.

Step one: Use the safety pin and empty soda can to make a bowl.
Step two: Unfold the coat hanger and use the pliers to cut about an 8"
length, insulate one end with electrical tape.
Step Three: Heat the hanger-length with the stove, holding it by the
insulated end
Step Four: Use the heated hanger length to light the soda can bowl.
Well actually the reason I asked is because me and a few buddies were on a boat chilling and we brought the nug with us but my buddy left his toolbox in the car and inside the toolbox were the lighter, bubbler and papers so we were stuck really without anything. In the end we just went back and got 'em but i just wanted to know what a true improv smoker would do.
If you're that desperate, roll it up in any type of paper your find suitable.

other wise, I'm going to give the suggestion of walking to the convenience store and buying some rollings papers or a blunt.:smokin3:
Philosopher said:
Materials: One can of soda, empty.
One wire coat hanger.
Electrical tape.

Tools: One pair of side-cut pliers.
One safety pin.
The kitchen stove.
Opposable thumbs.

Step one: Use the safety pin and empty soda can to make a bowl.
Step two: Unfold the coat hanger and use the pliers to cut about an 8"
length, insulate one end with electrical tape.
Step Three: Heat the hanger-length with the stove, holding it by the
insulated end
Step Four: Use the heated hanger length to light the soda can bowl.

I have used this method in a pinch.

But I started laughing when I saw this. It made me think of McGuyver. He could solve any problem with a coat hanger and a paper clip!:smokin:

If any of you say "who is McGuyver?", you are officially off my christmas list!:battingeyelashes:

Peace and a pack of papers (and a lighter):peace:
Lord of the Mullet!

Hmm... as for me, I'd make a grav bong or a waterfall, only need to light it once to get blazed, so matches aren't a big problem. Use the milk jug's cap, atach a 2liter cap to the top of it with the blow shape pointing up, poke holes straight through both caps. Makes a handy makeshift bowl, wich tends to be the main problem with creating your own peice.
Oh, or an apple would be cool to use too.
i would go soda can, or apple, i smoke out of apples all the tiome even tho i have a bong at hand, i just like to.
i was gonna say an apple, but it was everybody here knows you can make a pipe from anything. did you have certain equipment on the boat or is this just a theorhetical question? cause what stoner doesn't carry a lighter? and then what stoner doesn't have their sack of weed right next to the pipe in their pocket? buy yourself some cargo pants! you will never forget again!
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