Strange growth


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

One of my plants seems to have some interesting characteristics and I’m not sure what to think of them. I’ve been advised that the rust colored spotting on the leaves may be a cal-mag issue, so I’m going to pick some of that up on Monday. But see how the leaves grow irregularly? This plant hasn’t sexed itself yet either. This was taken day 6 of flower. What do you guys think?


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What Strain is it?
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?
How Many Plants?
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage?
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long?
If in Flowering Stage... How Long?
Indoor or Outdoor?
Soil, Hydro, Peat or Coco?
If Hydro, Reservoir size?
If Hydro, Reservoir Temperature?
If Hydro, what type of Medium?
If Hydro, what type of Setup?
If Soil, Peat or Coco... What is in your Mix?
If Soil, Peat or Coco... What Size Pot?
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many?
Is it Air Cooled?
Temperature of Room/Cabinet?
RH of Room/Cabinet?
PH of Medium or Reservoir?
Any Pests?
How Often are you Watering?
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used?
Size or Square Footage of Room?

This information is necessary for accurate support to be given.
What Strain is it? Unknown strain given to me from a coworker. Seeds he’s had since the early 80’s

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Indica dominant I believe.

How Many Plants? Three total in my tent, two of this unknown strain and one of another strain.

Is it Vegetative or Flowering Stage? Flower.

If in Vegetative Stage... How Long?

If in Flowering Stage... How Long? Today will be true day 6 in flower.

Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor.

Soil, Hydro, Peat or Coco? Soil.

If Hydro, Reservoir size?
If Hydro, Reservoir Temperature?
If Hydro, what type of Medium?
If Hydro, what type of Setup?

If Soil, Peat or Coco... What is in your Mix? About 1/3 “super soil” made by a local old timer garden store owner. 2/3 Wizard’s Potting Soil.

If Soil, Peat or Coco... What Size Pot? 2 gallon

Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? One Vipaspectra 450W and one Giixer “600W” soon to be another Vipaspectra 450W. Currently 270 total watts. Currently 30w per sq. ft. I believe.

Is it Air Cooled? The lights have fans. My tent has no ventilation system yet. Just fan and open vent windows of tent when lights are on.

Temperature of Room/Cabinet? About 75 degrees when lights are on.

RH of Room/Cabinet? About 59-62% when lights are on

PH of Medium or Reservoir?

Any Pests? Light fungus gnats

How Often are you Watering? My largest (this plant) about once every two to three days.

Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? Fox Farm trio. Getting Fox Farm cal mag Monday.

Size or Square Footage of Room? 3x3x6 tent. 9 sq. ft. Of growing space.

Sorry I didn’t include this earlier!!
The dark green and the curling leaves tell me nitrogen toxicity, the brown spots tell me calcium or potassium deficiency, with more then one issue nutrient related, and seeing as you just switched to flower and she has increased her need for potassium and calcium and reduced her need for nitrogen, I would suggest you do a good flush with ph balanced water and feed with recommended early flowering nutrients or amendments. I would agree with Moon and up pot as well, but lean to a soil more suited to flowering stages.
This plant is already 6 days in to flower. I planned on finishing out this whole run in these 2 gallon pots.

Hone your skills on transplanting. It's a good process to get good at. Try not to disturb the roots at all or very little.

2 gal is pretty small container for flowering.

My pot size is this:

Peat pellet - seedlings
#1 nursery pot for seedlings once hardened off
#3 or #4 pot for VEG
#7-#10 pot - flowering

Flowering in a #2 pot you will continue to have issues like you have and likely will get worse. Looks to me like your plants are getting root bound it wont get better. Not even with flushing, whatever that is???
The dark green and the curling leaves tell me nitrogen toxicity, the brown spots tell me calcium or potassium deficiency, with more then one issue nutrient related, and seeing as you just switched to flower and she has increased her need for potassium and calcium and reduced her need for nitrogen, I would suggest you do a good flush with ph balanced water and feed with recommended early flowering nutrients or amendments. I would agree with Moon and up pot as well, but lean to a soil more suited to flowering stages.

Thank you so much for your input and help you guys. Yesterday was it’s second feeding with the full lineup of Fox Farm. It’s next feed time will be after I have some cal mag. Would you recommend doing a straight water flush before I give it some cal mag or would you do just a cal mag feed?

And would it be unwise to try to finish this one out in the 2 gallon pot? Am I still able to up pot since I’m in flower?
My pot size is this:

Peat pellet - seedlings
#1 nursery pot for seedlings once hardened off
#3 or #4 pot for VEG
#7-#10 pot - flowering

Flowering in a #2 pot you will continue to have issues like you have and likely will get worse. Looks to me like your plants are getting root bound it wont get better. Not even with flushing, whatever that is???

Just seen this, so pardon me asking it in my last post.
Yes 5 gal is fine.

Flushing is just some weird psudo science thing that is only used by home growers. It got its start with hydroponics and somehow morphed into soil growing cannabis. Its not physically possible to remove much of anything nutrient related in soil due to physics, chemistry and general soil science.

If you research it, you will only see this process of "flushing" soil being used and promoted in cannabis forums.

Read on Cation Exchange Capacity of soil this will tell you how nutrients and plants and soil interact.

Here's a link on CEC and why flushing soil doesn't do what people think it does:

Cations and Cation Exchange Capacity | Fact Sheets |
Yes 5 gal is fine.

Flushing is just some weird psudo science thing that is only used by home growers. It got its start with hydroponics and somehow morphed into soil growing cannabis. Its not physically possible to remove much of anything nutrient related in soil due to physics, chemistry and general soil science.

If you research it, you will only see this process of "flushing" soil being used and promoted in cannabis forums.

Read on Cation Exchange Capacity of soil this will tell you how nutrients and plants and soil interact.

Here's a link on CEC and why flushing soil doesn't do what people think it does:

Okay, cool. I’m going to up pot my other two plants as well I think. I always thought you couldn’t after you were in flower though. So that’s cool it’s possible whenever. And thank you for that information! I’m definitely going to read up on that.
Yeah you can up pot in flower, not optimal because of plant size it starts to get unwieldy.

Growing in smaller containers stunts the growth due to the roots running out of room.

Best to give them some room but you will get larger plants and more yield.

Just be careful not to damage the roots or break the stems.

You will get good at it if you haven't done it much it takes a little practice just take your time and be gentle.
Yeah you can up pot in flower, not optimal because of plant size it starts to get unwieldy.

Growing in smaller containers stunts the growth due to the roots running out of room.

Best to give them some room but you will get larger plants and more yield.

Just be careful not to damage the roots or break the stems.

You will get good at it if you haven't done it much it takes a little practice just take your time and be gentle.

Awesome to know!! The one we’ve been speaking of is my biggest one, my other two won’t be too bad to up pot. I’m going to do it to all of them though. I really appreciate the knowledge!!
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