Strawberry Blue Issues


New Member
So this is my first grow and I've been working out some kinks with my plants but this little 3 week old Strawberry Blue has me scratching my head. She grew well initially but then the lower leaves began to develop brown spots/yellowing and died off. I realized I had a ph issue (tap water was around 8, adjusted down to ~6). Things seemed to be on an upswing after switching the ph-ed water. I removed the damaged leaves and it seems to be regrowing them on the lower portion of the stem, but I've noticed some new brown spots/yellowing(nowhere near as bad as before). It is also developing pre-flowers already! These seeds were not supposed to be autos. What is going on here?
Here are the details of the grow...
Soil? Fox farms ocean forest/perlite mix
If soil... What size pot? Just transplanted from solo to ~5gal
Size of light? 400 watt MH on 24 hours
Temp of Room/cab? ~75 F, will be using the light
RH of Room/cab? ~30%
How often are you watering? was watering every 2-3days or so when in solo cups
Type and strength of ferts used? none yet

The "clawing" that the leaves are doing are pointing to overwatering, you need to water when soil is dry not on a schedule. It flower because of the stress of overwatering, sometimes when plants are on the brink of death to save themselves they flower even some hermie. So stop watering and don't give nutes.
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