Issues with Strawberry Blue


New Member
So this is my first grow and I've been working out some kinks with my plants but this little 3 week old Strawberry Blue has me scratching my head. She grew well initially but then the lower leaves began to develop brown spots/yellowing and died off. I realized I had a ph issue (tap water was around 8, adjusted down to ~6). Things seemed to be on an upswing after switching the ph-ed water. I removed the damaged leaves and it seems to be regrowing them on the lower portion of the stem, but I've noticed some new brown spots/yellowing(nowhere near as bad as before). It is also developing pre-flowers already! These seeds were not supposed to be autos. What is going on here?
Here are the details of the grow...
Soil? Fox farms ocean forest/perlite mix
If soil... What size pot? Just transplanted from solo to ~5gal
Size of light? 400 watt MH on 24 hours
Temp of Room/cab? ~75 F, will be using the light
RH of Room/cab? ~30%
How often are you watering? was watering every 2-3days or so when in solo cups
Type and strength of ferts used? none yet

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