I'm getting frustrated!

Ok so let me start by saying thank you all. Coco Loco is just soil that Coco is used instead of peat moss and I was told to treat it as soil.

I am using a Blue Labs pH meter and should probably get the soil probe so that problem would be solved. I am using 3 gallon pots do not have enough room for 7 gal. This grow they are almost too tall for the 6' tent so that option is out unless I get a bigger tent. I let the tap water sit for 48 before use.

Yes, i totally hear ya man, i asked and was told the same thing. So i did experiments on my own.

Here is the thing with cocoloco,,,,,,,,,,,
1) you can water everyday without problems---hence hydro
2) you can let it dry out---hence soil
3) PH has to be 5.8---hence Hydro

Ive set a plant aside, and didnt water for 3 weeks, and it just started to show droop. Wasnt even in direct light, but noticed it takes alot for it to truely get dry and show symptoms. Which is great.

BUT, PH is mandatory to start at 5.8, because it will climb to 7.2 out the runoff.

Now, things to consider is,,,,,

1) microbes need moisture, so dont let them bone dry on you. So, i find it best to water daily. I had a timer and watered 10 times a day, and loved it.

But i also used a nute stack of a few things,

1)1/4 teas Recharge beneficials
2) 4ML calmag
3) Megacrop dry nutes
4) PH Perfect ( 1/4 recommended)
Sounds like more than one issue.

Those prong measures are good for detecting moisture in the bottom of the pot if you drill holes in the lower sides. Useless for measuring PH.

My guess would be PH too high as mentioned. Makes sense as flower requires different nutrient levels than veg. Why not pick a medium that has a known PH range? It's one less thing to factor in.

The harsh taste you can deal with by bud washing. Bud washing

Back building is a way to bulk up your Colas. Back building

man, bud washing is overlooked. I took dry bud and put in jar with water for 4 days, 1100 PPMs
Rapitest 1835 Luster Leaf Digital 3-Way Soil Analyzer

Am I missing something here?
lol, nope. The 3in1 probes measure pH, moisture, and light...the analyzer measures fertility, pH and soil temp. It's a single probe to stick in the soil with a digital readout, not a scale. The fertility test is useless.
I don't understand. Why? What?


I was just saying, bud washing gets alot of sht you dont see with your eyes. I discovered i had mold, or, thought it was anyways, lol, but enough to trash so i put it in water for a week.

But from here on out, im water curing.
Yes, i totally hear ya man, i asked and was told the same thing. So i did experiments on my own.

Here is the thing with cocoloco,,,,,,,,,,,
1) you can water everyday without problems---hence hydro
2) you can let it dry out---hence soil
3) PH has to be 5.8---hence Hydro

Ive set a plant aside, and didnt water for 3 weeks, and it just started to show droop. Wasnt even in direct light, but noticed it takes alot for it to truely get dry and show symptoms. Which is great.

BUT, PH is mandatory to start at 5.8, because it will climb to 7.2 out the runoff.

Now, things to consider is,,,,,

1) microbes need moisture, so dont let them bone dry on you. So, i find it best to water daily. I had a timer and watered 10 times a day, and loved it.

But i also used a nute stack of a few things,

1)1/4 teas Recharge beneficials
2) 4ML calmag
3) Megacrop dry nutes
4) PH Perfect ( 1/4 recommended)
Ok. So let me ask you a few more questions since you are the only one that I know using Coco Loco. First off I would love to keep using it because the plants size are enormous for autos. Almost everyone that I have grown in 3gal pots have been almost 3' and are yeilding a qp or more.

1.) I'm using FF nutes so should I use the Hydro Grow Big instead of the regular? And could this be causing a problem, even though none show in veg, during flower?
2.) Do you feed every time as if it were hydro?
3.) If so what would you recommend for autos? 1/4 strength all the way through?
4.) Can I add you as a contact to ask you questions without posting on the boards?
5.) My pH runnoff after watering with 5.8 is 6.2 - 6.4 between the three girls. Is this bad? Good?

Thank you soooooo much!!!+
Yes i had my first grow a lil bit ago i dont even wanna talk about it i had the plants to close to the light i had a 600w led light 2 feet if not closser to the plants i got 4 good plants that i could save from that grow bc its starting on its 5 or 6 set of leaves so i started a second grow bc i think from doing reserch and watching videos on the computer i learned wat i did wront i got 2 grow tents 1 30x30x72 grow tent and a 24x24x48 grow tent that im using that tent for my starting out seeds that sprout from the dirt i used coco soil mixed with a lil soil but mostly coco dirt but i germinated seeds in the wet paper towl b4 i planted them and they all exsploded germinated in the matter of 2 days and when i planted them the second day they sprouted out of the soil so i got them under floresent lights for now intill they get some growth on them i was using a led light i bought of wish.com and it sucked but also i was sticking plants to close to the light i did my reserch on how to grow them properly now and i fill that my second grow will go so much better i gave them a feeding of nutrients but i barly stuck any in the bottle i used just enough to help the plant out but not shock it bc once they grow outa the soil they pull all the nutrients outa the soil to grow so i gave them a light feeding and i got a good led grow light i spent 150.00 on it i figured u mys well by a exspencive light that works then abunch of cheep lights that do not work i have 4 diffrent nutrients so wat i did bc i got 12 plants growing i used one nutrient for the one strain and i used a difffrent nutrient for the second strain and i used another nutrient for the 3ed strain and a diffrent nutrient for the 4th strain i wanna c wat strain does the best with wat nutrient i us on them but i lightly gave them just enough nutrients to make shure they get a feeding but i didnt do wat most ppl do and feed them till the watter starts drippen out of the soil bc i have tiger bloom i have a rout enhancer and i have seaflex and i have miricle grow i used each one of thies nutrients on each strain and i got 3 seeds planted out of each strain 2 of the strains have 4 seeds i used bc i didnt think a seed would germinate but everything germinated and i used regular tap watter bc i dont got the money to by a tester so im gonna be using tap watter for my plants and i got soil thats got magnesium and sulfert i think its got 2 of the main nutrients plants need to live a happy life so i used that peat moss and some really really compact dirt that has the white fome balls in it i mixed all three of those soils together to give my medium if im doing anything wrong please comment on wat im doing i have a heater in the one room that keeps it to 80 degrees all the time and a bucket of watter in middle of floor to help with the moisture i crack windows in the day time so the plabts get fresh co2 im doing everting i learned doing reasearch on the computer and i bought a floresent light hood from walmart so i can us bc idt u should stick the plants under led lughts till they are growing pritty good thats just wat i think please coment on wat im doing if im doing anything wrong dont hesitate to tell me
I'm wondering if bud washing is more practical for people growing outdoors. I mean, if you're growing indoors, in a tent with filtered air, how dirty can they possibly get?

no doubt man.. Im sure there are situations that call for it or not. I just cringe when i see grow areas and horrible looking filters on the cans they use. If your filter is bad, common sense tells you, your buds are probably just the same, seeing the same dirty air is passing around the buds. The buds are like fly traps and catch everything, and even more that cant been seen. Iv e seen dusty fans and lights in alot of grows.
I'm wondering if bud washing is more practical for people growing outdoors. I mean, if you're growing indoors, in a tent with filtered air, how dirty can they possibly get?

I haven’t done this method but a close friend who is a professional grower does this for every crop. In a tent or grow room there is passive intakes and your inline fans bringing air in. If you look at the hoods of your lights I bet there is dust! That alone tells you there is dirt and dust in the air. Regardless of how enclosed your room is! Everytime you open the tent or door more particles rush in. We as humans also shed hair and skin cells so if you tend to your plants like most people do there is potential for many contaminants to get on the buds. Again I have no experience with this so take what I say with a grain of salt!!

Best of luck
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