Stricter Medical Cannabis Laws Take Effect On Friday In Montana

Robert Celt

New Member
Montana's stricter medical cannabis laws that will affect marijuana dispensaries will go into effect on Friday. The change has some providers worried they will go out of business.

The law limits the number of customers providers can serve to only three. They will also be barred from advertising and be subject to inspection by state officials without a warrant.

Providers say the law will not hurt just business, but also their patients.

"It's not something that they can just go and find safely in the grocery store or the drugstore. In order to find cannabis, they would have to go to the black market, and I don't think that's a safe option for them," said Heather Devine, who works at the medical marijuana dispensary Spark1 in Bozeman.

A lawyer representing the dispensary says he will file a motion to reconsider with the state supreme court, letting dispensaries stay open without the new restrictions until the court decides if it will reconsider the case.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Stricter Medical Cannabis Laws Take Effect On Friday In Montana
Author: Josh Kristianto
Contact: NBC Montana
Photo Credit: None found
Website: NBC Montana
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