Study: Pot Prices Could Plummet Post-Legalization

A new study says legalizing the recreational use of marijuana in California could drive down prices and undercut the potential tax windfall that supporters have touted.

The study published Wednesday by the RAND Drug Policy Research Center says "considerable uncertainty" surrounds the state ballot initiative. It would allow adults, 21 and over, to possess an ounce of marijuana and cities and counties to license and tax commercial pot sales.

The authors predict that retail marijuana prices could drop from $375 an ounce under the state's current medical marijuana law to as low as $38 per ounce, in part because growers and sellers would be taking fewer legal risks.

According to the RAND analysis, consumers would pay more than that _ about $91 an ounce _ once taxes imposed by local governments are figured in.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: North County Times
Contact: North County Times
Copyright: 2010 North County Times - Californian
Website: Study: Pot prices could plummet post-legalization

* Thanks to MedicalNeed for submitting this article
That's why I posted all of them I found because they are all different. :hmmmm:
Yes.... LOL... confusing the heck out of me too. Hopefully somewhere in the middle.

I wonder how the feds are going to take this? I am sure they want their money but at the same time... find a way to put you in jail for crying out loud.
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