Study Shows Cannabidiol Can Help Relieve Epilepsy Seizures In Children

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
Marijuana is seen as a wonder drug by people who suffer chronic pain and seizures, although critics are wary of its hallucinating side effect. To prevent the negative effects of cannabis, scientists have tried extracting specific non-addictive components from marijuana to assess their health benefits.

One of these compounds is cannabidiol (CBD), which was investigated in great detail through a series of studies presented during the recent Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society in Philadelphia.

The first study tested 261 children (age 11 on the average) diagnosed with epilepsy. The participants were given increasing doses of Epidiolex, a liquid form of CBD created by GW Pharmaceuticals. Results showed about 45 percent decrease in the frequency of seizures. Children with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome exhibited the most significant reduction in seizures at 71 percent.

A second study looked into the long-term effects of taking Epidiolex. After one year, the participants were found to have seizure frequencies reduced by half.

The third research was a pre-clinical study on the safety and effectiveness of CBD as a treatment for seizures. The tests conducted on lab mice revealed "significant anticonvulsant effects and was well-tolerated in rodents," as reported in a news article.

The fourth study assessed the impact of CBD on anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) for patients who experience seizures. Results of rodent testing showed that CBD enhanced the positive effect of levetiracetam, but it adversely affected the efficacy of clobazam and carbamazepine.


News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Study Shows Cannabidiol Can Help Relieve Epilepsy Seizures In Children
Author: Web Staff
Contact: None Found
Photo Credit: The Flint Journal
Website: Test Country
It is great that cannabis is finally being researched for this, I have epilepsy and have used MJ for quite some time to help control my seizures. But this is dangerous, and just another attempt by pharma to control a natural remedy . Plants have certain properties for a reason and when you separate different components the effect is not the same. One recent example is statin drugs. Statin is a naturally occurring compound of red yeast rice among other things. in it's naturally occurring form it is a safe cholesterol reducer. Because the compound was isolated and patented by pharma, statin is considered a drug and can not be legally sold over the counter. The red yeast rice you buy now has had most or all of the statin bred out of it. Also, the isolated compound when stripped away from the other naturally occurring compounds, has a very different effect and is actually reaking havoc on peoples health. People who take a statin drug actually have a higher risk of heart attack. There is an easy solution to rendering cannabis non psychoactive without tearing apart its constituents. Since most of the THC acid is not psychoactive until it is decarboxolated, just don't de-carboxolate it. While great, the success of the legalization movement has lured in the vultures looking for another angle to control and make money off of what we use to keep our bodies healthy.
It is wonderful that these studies are taking place, but they need to take it one step further. Every-time one of these studies is done they need to put that study on the desk of our President, our congress and senators. They are the ones who keep saying that they can not change it off schedule 1, give them the proof that MJ does have medical benefits and then they can not deny that they know the FACTS.
I'm 53 years old and can tell you from my experience that MJ works better than the best legal Med's on the market in my area , for my seizers . I just wish more Dr's would get behind the legalization of this very effective source of medication . I have met a few Dr's that simply just don't want to hear about or read the proof that study's have shown .:thedoubletake:
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