Super Cropping Question

@Deketx Yes super cropping will result in an increase in yield over a plant with no training most of the time. But there are other training techniques like LST, topping and net canopy training which result in even higher yields. Most people only super crop because of a plant growing larger then anticipated, although some do plan to super crop but not many to my knowledge.
I don't think topping results in higher yields.

I've done quite a lot of research and testing.

Nothing I've seen or gown points to higher yields with topping. We are better off training low stress is best followed by super-cropping.

Top EARLY in VEG and even then its not required.

Yields is about bio-mass. Stunting the growth via cutting off the apical-meristem wont help with yields.

Think about it, If that were true - hemp farmers would be trimming the hemp (cannabis sativa) plants early on .... they do not.

Yeah stunting growth does not induce bigger more growth in plants.
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