Swing State Voters Support Legalizing Marijuana, Poll Says

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
A majority of voters in three key swing states support legalizing marijuana, according to a new poll.

The Quinnipiac survey out Monday shows that 55% of voters in Florida, 52% in Ohio and 51% in Pennsylvania support allowing adults to “legally possess small amounts of marijuana for personal use.” Legalizing medical marijuana is even more acceptable to swing state voters, with 84% of Floridians, 84% of Ohioans, and 88% of Pennsylvanians supporting medical pot.

Florida and Pennsylvania have pending bills to legalize marijuana this year, and legalization could become a wedge issue in the 2016 presidential race.

The poll included more than 1,000 voters in each state.


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Full Article: Marijuana Legalization Supported By Swing State Voters
Author: Sam Frizell
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Photo Credit: Matt Nager
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