Switching back to Veg


New Member
On 12/25/2006 I cut back the lights to 12/12, now 60% of my crop is boys, (Damm My Luck). Is there any reason I can't turn em back to 18/6 for a few days, take some cuttings, let em root and then go on with the budding stage?:bong:
If you do that, you'll re-set the budding clock to zero.
It will also take approx 2 weeks for the plants to revert.
And, fucking with the light cycle during this stage creates stress, which can in turn lead to hermaphroditism.
Having 1/2 of you [plants fromseed turn out to be males is normal.
I'd suggest NOT fucking with the light cycle, just take cuttings now off the budding plants.
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