Take Action Now!



As the 2003 Congressional legislative session comes to a close, Rep. Mark
Souder, one of the most ardent drug warriors in Congress, intends to
introduce legislation to drastically increase penalties for certain
marijuana offenses. The bill also enacts new draconian penalties that
could sentence compassionate Americans that grow and provide medical
marijuana to decades in federal prison.

The "Drug Sentencing Reform Act" would tie the hands of judges by making it
harder for them to grant sentences below federal sentencing guidelines when
special circumstances call for it. This will mean longer sentences for
non-violent marijuana offenses, with taxpayers like you picking up the cost!

Further, the bill calls for new draconian penalties for growing,
distributing, and providing 'high-potency' marijuana to others. This means
that someone caught with a bag of high grade marijuana would actually face
a stiffer sentence than someone with an equal amount of shwag! The potency
provision will be especially damaging to medical marijuana patients and
providers who rely on higher potency marijuana to alleviate their suffering
from AIDS, cancer, and other maladies.

If this wasn't bad enough, Souder's proposed bill mandates that most people
on parole, probation, or supervised release be subjected to random drug
testing, even when their original offense is non-drug related. If enacted,
thousands of non-violent Americans could be sent to prison for years for
smoking marijuana in the privacy of their own home and then failing a drug

We know that Rep. Souder wants to introduce this bill within the next
couple of weeks, and that he is currently seeking co sponsorship from other
Representatives. Please take five minutes to send your member of Congress
a letter asking them to oppose this dangerous legislation by visiting:


To make sure your voice is heard on this important issue, we also ask that
you follow up your letter with a phone call to your Representative's
office. To reach your representative by phone, call the US Capitol
switchboard at 1-800-839-5276 or call your representative's office directly
by looking up the phone number at:

Elected Officials

Tell your Representative: "I'm a constituent and I'm calling to urge Rep.
[Name] not to co-sponsor Rep. Souder's "Drug Sentencing Reform Act," which
he is about to introduce. The Drug Sentencing Reform Act ties the hands of
judges and will punish nonviolent Americans and compassionate citizens that
provide patients with medical marijuana. I would like Rep. [Name] to tell
me where s/he stands on this bill. S/he can send a letter to me at
[Address] or an e-mail to [Address]. Thank you for your time."

Please forward this to all of your like minded friends and family. With
your help, we can stop this dangerous piece of legislation before it is


Kris Krane
Associate Director

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