Tested Negative -- Ultimate Cleanse?


New Member
Has anyone taken Ultimate Cleanse herbals from Natures Secret? I was a chronic smoker for many years and quit for only 4 days while taking the Ultimate Cleanse. I shit my guts out but I did a home test and confirmation by the lab and it was completely negative; in only 4 days. I was amazed such a short amount of time. I have very little body fat, drink alot of water, and I work 10 hrs a day outdoors so I have a very fast metabolism too. Anybody else clean themselves out this quickly before?

I purchased two bottles of Quick Fix 4.0 just in case I get a random! Found them at an art shop. I hear they raided Spectrum labs so figured I might as well stock up.
thats sweet. though im and have always been skeptical of those cleansing products. i too seem to be about the same metabolism and really feel that it is the key to passing the tests. im quite skinny and tall, and have very little fat, and that to me is what helps me to pass.

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