The M word


New Member
Heck, I don't see weed being legal here where I live, anytime soon. Paraphernalia such as rolling papers and pipes are available in head shops, and every corner 7-11 has papers. BUT you have to ask for rolling papers or 'Cigarette papers'. The M word is a no no.

This week I was in my friendly HTG store. The guys who work there are always friendly, helpful (and don't try to sell me anything I don't need), I've spent some bucks there, and don't use the M word. Now, I brought an old friend, who was going to buy some supplies. He said the M word, he asked if they had the Marijuana Growers Hand Book. You would have thought he pulled down his pants and took a dump. The guy behind the counter started raising hell, shouting and flapping his arms about, telling my friend to leave, to get out, being a jerk to the 3rd degree....

Now, I know my friend made a mistake, but instead of being polite and reasonable (or even letting me tell my friend), the HGT clerk made a scene, and were _holes.

I know they were protecting their business, but.....

We went to another store where my friend spent a wad of cash. I hope someone from HTG reads this...I'll be taking my trade somewhere else.
that same thing has happened to me numerous times because my friends are idiots and just show out. I just usually go to my store alone so that shit like that doesnt happen.

but i would do the samething if someone did that to me at my store. f them.
considering he was just asking about a book, theres no reason a shop clerk should act that way, they should expect to see their business decline because of it. Now if he went in there with cops saying thats where he bought all his weed growing supplies, I can see getting upset.
What is HTG?

Store clerks are not always the brightest. No offense, but you don't even need a diploma for the job. Just consider the source.

Where the hell are you that you can't speak freely anyway? The Soviet Union? Oh yeah, that system failed, it slipped my mind.
HTG is a company that sells hydro products. I have one near me and the guys in there are always very friendly and nice, I buy all of my supplies from there. Never mentioned cannabis though so who knows if it would get the same reaction.
I don't know about other states, but the owner of my local shop says that some of the distributers who ship over state lines are concerned about Federal Conspiracy Laws. He says it's reasonably lax here in California if you are discussing a small personal grow (usually 6 flowering plants or less) and don't go out of your way to glamorize it. However the Feds are no joke. HTG seems to do a lot of internet business, so I understand their fears. Personally, I would probably have been more polite, but I'm not sure I would consider any amount of money worth beeing arrested.
Just my $0.02
Maybe the guy behind the counter remembers Operation Green Merchant.

And I don't believe that all HTGS stores are located in states which have medicinal cannabis laws.

It is completely possible that the person has had a past negative experience with an undercover LEO. If so, I suppose that said narc wouldn't have given up easily. That can predispose someone to be less than delicate if he thinks such a situation is occurring again.

It is unfortunate that the person was rude. But if it was in a non-medical state - or even if it was, actually, since I saw no mention of the member's friend offering to show his state card - I certainly cannot blame the store employee. No, asking about or purchasing the book that was mentioned is not a crime. But one does not go into a gun shop and ask if they have a book on the best places to hit a human with a high-powered rifle (which would also be considered legal) and expect to be met with smiles, either.
Unfortunate...But why is the "M" word so damn scary?? I could understand if you were asking for a "bong", or "papers to roll up a joint" in a state where it isn't legal...But why would it be viewed as bad if the name of the book is exactly that...Can they really get in that much trouble for responding or correcting someone if they did use the language not allowed in the store or state?? I'm not all up on the state laws on words and how they are used and where they are used, but it just seems like a bit much......Anyhow, feel free to speak of it here!!!! I won't look down on you!!!:high-five:
We have a shop in Newark Delaware it's called Frolic they have this room in the back of the store that has bongs,glassware pipes and assorted paraphernalia they have sign of what you can't say I was trying to follow their rules even though I might think they are crazy. I needed a new mouth piece for my vaporizer. I broke the other one. So you know when they say" can I help you" so I was trying to explain what I needed within their guide lines and the salesperson looked bewildered so I took it out. Everything changed after that I was told to leave the store and would never be allowed to come back. Walked across the street to another store showed the salesperson what I needed paid for it and went home. The other store Frolic doesn't have to worry about me coming back. :peace:
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