The Most Wonderful Aroma

King Bongmaster

New Member
I am a odor
of which there is no compare
and I emanate from
a big bag of bud
with resiny hairs
I am so powerful
I permeate through
pocket and bag
and you wouldn't believe the aroma
if you take a big drag
I'm not the kind of smell
that you buy at Wal-Mart on sale
I'm the kind of smell
that you inhale and exhale
I'm a lingering smell
I don't quickly fade
as far as good smells go
I got it made
I'm the type of smell
that dogs are trained to find
and I invoke pleasure
in oh so many minds
I am a smell that
sticks to your clothes
and when ever I'm around
theres a quick twitch of the nose
sniffing for me and then theres a big smile
because I'm a beautiful aroma
not stinky and vile
I smell better than pussy
I smell better than flowers
I'm a powerful smell
and I stick around for hours
I'm a smell you can see
floating through the air
and just when you think I'm gone
you better smell your hair
some say I stink
but believe me their wrong
they say it because their used
to bad smells being strong
But me, I'm a wonderful smell
fueled by desire
of those wanting to get higher
I'm released by the fire
and I roll out like a tire
if you think theres a better smell
you better think again
I'm an amazing smell
so good some think I'm a sin
I make so many people happy
with my pefect scent
that on me billions have been spent
compare me to other smells
and you'll see I'm the best
and you could identify me instantly
if I was in a smell test
I smell alot different
when I'm young that when I'm older
when I'm young I smell good
but with time I get bolder
I'm smell many different ways
I come in many variations
I'm all around the world
in every single nation
I'm nugglicious
the best smell around
and still I'm hated on
isn't that profound
But I'm more than just a smell
that you can't deny
Because hidden within my scent
I carry a high
I'm an enduring odor
and I feel good inside your head
and I'll be around
long after your all dead
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